Breh I'll believe it when I see it. Rae talked about Cuban Linx 3 2 years ago. Ghost has been talking about blue and Cream even longer. If all of this comes out I'll be pleasantly surprised. And with all the acrimony they went through for this wu album, is RZA even overseeing Cuban Linx 3?
I believe it because it's coming out of Ghosts mouth this time. Not Rae's. And at this point I would probably rather see a Ghost/Rae project with a producer(s) in the similar vein to an Alchemist than RZA. Ghost and Rae just haven't been on the same page with RZA in A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Fvck around they do that project with RZA involvement and they'll end up sh!tting on it too.