at using psn
at Paying for XBL.
at paying to watch free Netflix and videos.
at paying for XBL to play online multiplayer that maybe require online passes. So in actuality, XBL users pay twice out the ass.
Why?? Gears 3 is better than that wack ass Gears 2. Worst game of the series. Never even played it like that shyt was boring.
I dont pay for XBL
and last time i did i got 2months for 2 dollars for a consecutive year+.
Playing on a better service>>> playing on a shytty service
You can't say you don't pay for it then say "last time I did" breh you have to pay for it period to have it on. You don't get free XBL anywhere besides a lucky 1 month free for silver users crap. That's how my shyt is on right now too.
Also lets cut out the fanboy noise with the better service.The core fundamentals which is solely online multiplayer works damn near the same on both services. Gears 3 has some of the most horrible lag when not on dedi's.
Halo Reach lags like crazy, and ME3 MP too. If by "better service" your including everything else which is free elsewhere it stills fall short.
Hell PSN Plus is better than live. Every week I get free games and piff. Hell I got free full PS3 games for free. Trine, LBP2, Just cause 2, GCI(Gotham City Imposters) free of charge.
once again i dont pay for itsomething me and you will no longer discuss anyways yea you get free ps3 games but them shyts are not yours
. shyt i get free 360 games too
at Paying for XBL.
at paying to watch free Netflix and videos.
at paying for XBL to play online multiplayer that maybe require online passes. So in actuality, XBL users pay twice out the ass.
I have a free month XBL breh.
Fall back.
I had a free month XBL trial that ends the 11th of next month.
Try again.
Also me saying that it's wack to pay for XBL doesn't mean I don't have it. It's like nikkas complaining about they cell phone carrier yet still using it. I might not reup till Halo 4 come out anyway.