Great, now this shyt wants to be fine when it's damn near 1 in the AM
I typed a bunch of shyt it ain't worth it. BUnch of fanboys and weak minded dudes who are easily blinded by bullshyt.
Its the reason why we getting day 1 dlc because regardless people will cop it anyway. Nobody is to blame but us. I bet if NO ONE was buying XBL you think M$ would still charge??
Halo 4 is the only reason I'm keeping the Xbox.
Seriously though... no bullshyt. Can somebody explain WTF is going on with this...
I ran a speed test on my laptop, on the couch where my PS3/360 is sitting. I have reset my router, I have updated the latest firmware on my router, I plugged my computer straight into the modem to make sure if it's a router issue or an ISP issue/modem issue... So right now I'm confused
This is what my laptop is pulling after updating the firmware:
So why in the fiiiizuck is my PS3 showing me this...
1 down and 1 up?
My signal strength is 100%. So someone please PLEASE explain to me why this is happening. I couldn't even enjoy a night of gaming because I had to mess around with my fukking router and shyt tonight.