WSJ: Illegal Immigrants Get Public Health Care, Despite Federal Policy; MAKE UP 25% OF UNINSURED

Smashius Clay

The Millennium Brotha I Be
Nov 29, 2013
Perpetual World Traveler
I'm born and raised in this country.

But who is really at fault here?
The immigrants seeking medical attention or the medical facilities who aren't adhering to the law?

I ain't even mad.


Everybody wanna talk about immigrants and social security but the US Military is a federal jobs program for soldiers that costs us hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

I think we should talk about how those dollars are bleeding America dry.

Y'all don't hear me tho
@Raul you're a great poster, and I share your sentiment to an extent. I believe that this country cannot deny healthcare to anyone regardless of their immigration or economic status, we have the money to treat people and the focus should be on stopping the illegal immigration problem by investing in South American countries, lending our military (more on that later) to stabilize more unstable regions such as El Salvador, and really go about building that wall.

However I disagree with you and damn near every poster who likes to shyt on the military (politicians are another story). Many credible posters on this here board are former military, such as myself. And the same "militants" (hate that term) that talk about pulling our people out from poverty, condemn actions taken by people that are literally rescued by their decision to join the military. If your problem is the benefits such as education, I don't see why you wouldn't want free education for a military that has a minority representation higher than what the demographic makeup of the country is. It's a way for some people with little options to completely change the complexion of their circumstances and the circumstances of their children. But speaking directly to your points:
  1. While military healthcare is somewhat cheaper than the average employee of a fortune 500 company, it isn't free like what we're talking about here in the op.
  2. The military benefits THIS country more than people think. From the national guard responding to natural disasters, the Army Corps of Engineers building bridges and dams, to aid and relief efforts in Haiti, to actual military shyt here at home.
  3. I'm willing to concede that too large of a part of our resources is spent on military (and we're everywhere), but it's just the formula that works for this country. Strong capitalistic, innovative, nationalistic society that influences the world with its ideas and culture while at the same time having a very powerful military to keep other countries in check and protect our interests at home and abroad so we can enjoy said benefits of that society.
The short of it is, if you're cool with illegal immigrants coming here and getting free healthcare thereby benefitting from a "broken" system, you shouldn't have any qualms about actual citizens improving their opportunities through another "broken system". And while I didn't agree at all with the men who made the decisions to send me and other servicemembers to Iraq, I left with a few memories of me having made a difference in the lives of people in a few of the communities I came accross both in the US and abroad. I didn't just chill at Home Depot drinking cervezas and leaching off of public assistance programs.

The American

Defending America against cacs
Jan 21, 2016
OP is such a shytposter, every single thread he makes is the same thing, spastic big bold red letters, then tags half the forum in an outrage over something he shouldn't be outraged over. What a fukkin lame.

If this hurts anyone, it's redneck cacs. Nappy is trying to pretend he rides for the black community, but he doesn't, he only cries over shyt that affects cacs. He worships them.

There are so many more entities that drain our tax dollars, namely the military. Wake up and smell the coffee, that's the real problem, not these people migrating on their own land that's been invaded by the white man.

Nap is so dense, he supports cac hegemony, which is more harmful to the black community than brown people will ever be. Get some critical thinking skills and stop c00ning for once. You shyt up this forum ery day.


Aug 12, 2015
imagine if a stranger came in your house, slept in your bed, ate your food, made you pay for their doctors visits, took money out of your check each week, and called you a bigot if you complained about it

oh and then they brought their entire family into the house after a year or two

that is what illegal immigration is :mjlol:

that's not something you want even if you're a millionaire with a mansion

The American

Defending America against cacs
Jan 21, 2016
imagine if a stranger came in your house, slept in your bed, ate your food, took your land and genocided you

that is what white people did :mjlol:
Fyp. Cacs can't complain when people do to them 1/1000 of what cacs did in the 1st place. This isn't their land. America is not the white man's home.


Sleep, those slices of death; Oh how I loathe them
May 1, 2012
i wonder how much tax money is left on the table that they dont claim, must be in the billions.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
from your first 1988 post -

Let me start off by saying ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is illegal...but it exists. So in a fairy tale land of rainbows and butterflies illegal immigration would magically disappear. Since we don't live in that place, nor will we ever, you have to contend with the realities of the situations. HEre are a few of those realities to take into consideration
1. illegal immigrants do pay taxes, mostly through fraud
2. illegal immigrants do use social services like schools (though a large chunks of the kids using the schools have illegal PARENTS, they themselves are citizens.)
3. While they can, the vast majority of illegal immigrants don't file for income tax returns.
4. Illegal immigration will always exist, you can't make it go away regardless of how high you build a wall.
5. Wage depressions is as much, in fact more so, a result of employers (americans) breaking the law.
6. Time and time again CREDIBLE all encompassing studies on the "cost" of illegal immigration have shown a marginal (small) net negative all the way through a marginal (small) net positive on america....meaning in the grand scheme of things when you really look at all the angles and account for as many variables as possible THIS IS A NON-ISSUE.

There's a pragmatic approach to issues like the one in your first post, and that approach is what the states who've implemented some form of healthcare for undocumented workers have used.

The problem with people who don't take the pragmatic approach to illegal immigration is that their solution is almost always to cute off their nose to spite their face.
Bro. We're talking about the impact of millions of people.

So for you to aimlessly talk about things being a "non-issue" its an absolute slap in the face to the real drag on economies it has for people who are already in the lower classes of our society.

I come at this purely from how it affects black people. Its a MASSIVELY under addressed problem and something needs to be done to put a stop to it.

The United States is in the most unique position and is still more lenient than most of the world is to this issue. No other nation allows what illegal immigration has done to this country.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
Bro. We're talking about the impact of millions of people.

So for you to aimlessly talk about things being a "non-issue" its an absolute slap in the face to the real drag on economies it has for people who are already in the lower classes of our society.

I come at this purely from how it affects black people. Its a MASSIVELY under addressed problem and something needs to be done to put a stop to it.

The United States is in the most unique position and is still more lenient than most of the world is to this issue. No other nation allows what illegal immigration has done to this country.
lol except that the states with the highest hispanic populations have the some of the smallest black populations and vice-versa

This country was founded on the fukin principle of showing up to someone else's home and making it your own. That LITERALLY is what happened do you not know this or just feign ignorance?

From the Columbus to the Mayflower to Elise Island this country has a deep rooted tradition in immigration, you can deny it all you want, that's just what has happened. Part of what makes this country great is that we don't act like other countries, not sure why you want us to start behaving like...Mexico. You're all types of confused. Your massive problems don't really exist, on one hand you don't want immigrants to come here, on the other hand you sorta wish we behaved like the countries they are fleeing... make up your damn mind.

Population Distribution by Race/Ethnicity

State, white pop, black pop, hispanic population

Top 10 Cities by % of hispanic population
1. New Mexico 40% 2% 43% N/A 12% 1% 100%
2. Arizona 49% 4% 39% 4% 3% 1% 100%
3. California 39% 5% 38% 15% 1% 2% 100%
3. Texas 44% 12% 38% 4% 0% 1% 100%
5. Nevada 50% 9% 28% 9% N/A 3% 100%
6. Florida 55% 16% 25% 3% N/A 1% 100%
7. Colorado 70% 4% 21% 2% N/A 2% 100%
8. New Jersey 58% 13% 19% 9% N/A 1% 100%
9. New York 57% 13% 18% 10% N/A 2% 100%

Top 10 Cities by % of black population
1. District of Columbia 37% 47% 11% 4% N/A 2% 100%
2. Mississippi 57% 37% 3% N/A N/A 1% 100%
3. Georgia 53% 31% 10% 4% N/A 2% 100%
3. Louisiana 58% 31% 6% 2% N/A 2% 100%
5. Maryland 54% 29% 8% 6% N/A 3% 100%
6. Alabama 66% 27% 4% 2% N/A 1% 100%
6. South Carolina 64% 27% 6% 1% N/A 1% 100%
8. North Carolina 62% 21% 10% 3% N/A 2% 100%
9. Delaware 63% 20% 10% 4% N/A 2% 100%
10. Virginia 63% 19% 8% 7% N/A 2% 100%