Luc Besson is a sick creep in real life, probably hangs out with Roman Polanski.
i always wanted to watch this film and i just did very recently. i can see why it is a cult classic. however, i did not see this thread at all. yes, the movie can be 'weird' but if you like the film 'die hard' then you will enjoy it. just don't have a creepy perverted attitude while watching this film. this thread is mad suspect too
op, why you gotta ruin this film for us? lol
i appericate it. i finally have a setup in my home (nvidia shield pro tv) and it seems like I can watch any movie out there on the whim. i have a huge backlog so i gotta watch must watch cult classics. i like action films like die hard.
My bad. Dont let me get in the way of YOUR entertainment
Please separate art/achievements from their private activities.Luc Besson is a sick creep in real life, probably hangs out with Roman Polanski.
I remember in the making of documentary They said Luc Besson was actually in the lobby crying like a child because that scene where Mathilda prepositions Leon for sex was making the audience noticably uncomfortable.Please don't ruin a classic film with yall theories
Lolwill be boycotting this movie now, fukk leon and that lil bytch!