One gets cosigned, and the other gets vitriol. Interesting. If you all spent as much time as you do arguing, and instead built nations Black people's position might not be where it is globally. Getting hoed by other nations for centuries in your own continent, and everywhere else on the planet. Black people are done if we don't all improve.
Everyone has to be willing to die for the cause if you want to end systemic white supremacy. It's hard to find BM who will because the consequences are extreme and likely to fail even with a tremendous effort, BW wanting to die for it is next to impossible. They put all of the accountability on BM and everyone knows that's not a winning solution.
Until that happens, the best we can do be the best verison of ourselves individually if we know we want to add to the Black community and get around like minded people who want to accomplish the same. It won't impact everyone but it's the right thing to do.
To end white supremacy, we would have to have a Haiti mindset where everyone male, female, boy, or girl is down for the cause. We would need a 1804 like fight and with our women and men in such bad shape, both physically and mentally, naw, just naw.