Would you rather raise a child on the East Coast or the West?


All Star
Jan 29, 2014
Breh it's not even close

The west coast is a satellite culture to the real establishment of this society on the east

The west coast is a prison farm

Service job economy

Same corporate businesses in a different order at every highway exit

Emotionally erratic females that regularly cry themselves to sleep and want to have their faces cut open so they look more like a Cardashan


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
My god…you and Sac :snoop:

I don’t know, I personally preferred growing up around black community in those K-12 years and having a solid foundation in my blackness and then exploring “other” communities later in college. That said, even old school black Oakland was still diverse and it was cool knowing people of all races. When some of these southern brehs post, it’s wild to me that people really never had a white or Asian friend or can’t imagine going to a wedding or event of another race
Sacramento has been the best place in NorCal for black people for a solid decade now...

When I'm in Sacramento I'm in Black Sacramento, so my daughters will have that exposure. It's just stating the obvious, the "black" areas of Sacramento are super mixed and integrated compared to black southern neighborhoods. So my kids will still be amongst us while also having exposure to people they otherwise won't meet in Raleigh; certainly not to the same degree of cultural exchange...

I'm with you though, I think the education on how to relate to nonblack people is easier when you're young. Granted, the school my two oldest daughters go to now is 48% Black, 33% Hispanic, 12% white; they and their mom live in a neighborhood that is 32% Black, 57% white, and 8% Hispanic. So they are mingling with whites and Hispanics between home and school, but also still being around alot of blackness as well...

What they won't see as much of here, that they'll see in California, is more ethnic groups of each race, more Arabs and Indians (those are here too but not where they live and go to school and not as deep), more Islanders, etc. And it's not just the different people I want them to experience, it's the culture. The different foods. The different weather. All the above...


All Star
Jan 29, 2014
Sacramento has been the best place in NorCal for black people for a solid decade now...

When I'm in Sacramento I'm in Black Sacramento, so my daughters will have that exposure. It's just stating the obvious, the "black" areas of Sacramento are super mixed and integrated compared to black southern neighborhoods. So my kids will still be amongst us while also having exposure to people they otherwise won't meet in Raleigh; certainly not to the same degree of cultural exchange...

I'm with you though, I think the education on how to relate to nonblack people is easier when you're young. Granted, the school my two oldest daughters go to now is 48% Black, 33% Hispanic, 12% white; they and their mom live in a neighborhood that is 32% Black, 57% white, and 8% Hispanic. So they are mingling with whites and Hispanics between home and school, but also still being around alot of blackness as well...

What they won't see as much of here, that they'll see in California, is more ethnic groups of each race, more Arabs and Indians (those are here too but not where they live and go to school and not as deep), more Islanders, etc. And it's not just the different people I want them to experience, it's the culture. The different foods. The different weather. All the above...
It's cool that you have some pride in your city but Sacramento is a literal shyt hole and the homeless people there crawl out of the sewer literally to say anything other besides the Bay Area to say anything besides Oakland or San Francisco,it shows a lack of culture


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
It's cool that you have some pride in your city but Sacramento is a literal shyt hole and the homeless people there crawl out of the sewer literally to say anything other besides the Bay Area to say anything besides Oakland or San Francisco,it shows a lack of culture
You sound like you don't know anything about San Francisco or Oakland 🤣 Homelessness and any other negative you can say about Sacramento, is worse on those two cities. Much worse...


All Star
Jan 29, 2014
You sound like you don't know anything about San Francisco or Oakland 🤣 Homelessness and any other negative you can say about Sacramento, is worse on those two cities. Much worse...
No. It's better. The culture is better, and many that you think are homeless are actually homefree

As opposed to Sacramento where they are on meth and crawling out of the sewers

Maybe the homeless are not a relevant metric to you - but hour long standstill traffic in the capitol, despite more area and less population, is an allegory for California government itself

What I am saying is ... You encounter homeless in San Francisco or Oakland and there is much more likelihood that they are going to impart worthwhile game or wisdom - if you encounter homeless in Sacramento you can hopefully get a tetanus shot soon enough

Aside from that, people from around the country go to San Francisco to be homeless

People that are homeless in Sacramento are from there or the next town over

It's not close to the same and you can only take this position for having pride in your city. You having pride in your city means that you have an optimistic outlook and that will carry with you through every city you go to so wherever you raise your child they're going to be in good hands, but it's not Sacramento

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
I don't live where I grew up either; but I'm close by. I got whips/motorcycles so it aint nothing :manny:

close enough; but far enough at the same time.

I like the distance. I honestly only go back with a purpose. n and out type of shyt.
How far?
I'm from Detroit so maybe I should only move as far as the east coast
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
The west coast has a better quality of life IMO, more laid back and easier to be you. But there’s a bigger, stronger, more diverse black community out east and I’d prefer my kid be in communities and schools that have decent representation from upper middle class black folk, seems like most the black people left in the cities out here in Cali are struggling and those with education/professionals are both highly dispersed and marry out a lot.
Vegas would be a decent look, but I just think Sacramento is better. It's not a bad place to raise a black family, though!

My cousin lived there . 20yrs ago she took my granny car it got impounded . I had to pick it up bring it back to West Covina.

There was bullet proof glass in the jack in the box out there this was 2003/04