Would you rather have no A/C in the summer or no heat in the winter?

Would you rather have no A/C in the summer or no heat in the winter?

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All Star
Apr 19, 2017
as someone who had to live without either for a time because I was so broke, I'd take having no a/c.

With no a/c, it normally isn't that hot in the mornings or nights. It's bearable at least. The worst part of the day is the afternoon/early evening, but you can get around that by going to the gym/library/whatever. If you buy some cheap fans and keep them around you, you might not even notice it as much. You can invest in some heavy duty curtains and that helps keep the heat from the sunlight out. Either way, around 7-8 you'll be off the hook.

But having no heat in the winter is terrible. It's cold all day and even colder at night. I was getting about 4 hours of sleep each night if I was lucky.....because it'd get so cold around midnight I'd automatically wake up shivering. I'm talking cold to the bone...sometimes I'd wonder if my heart could take it. Personal heaters are a lot more expensive and more dangerous than having portable fans.


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
as someone who had to live without either for a time because I was so broke, I'd take having no a/c.

With no a/c, it normally isn't that hot in the mornings or nights. It's bearable at least. The worst part of the day is the afternoon/early evening, but you can get around that by going to the gym/library/whatever. If you buy some cheap fans and keep them around you, you might not even notice it as much. You can invest in some heavy duty curtains and that helps keep the heat from the sunlight out. Either way, around 7-8 you'll be off the hook.

But having no heat in the winter is terrible. It's cold all day and even colder at night. I was getting about 4 hours of sleep each night if I was lucky.....because it'd get so cold around midnight I'd automatically wake up shivering. I'm talking cold to the bone...sometimes I'd wonder if my heart could take it. Personal heaters are a lot more expensive and more dangerous than having portable fans.
Just wear more layers :dahell: