No matter which one you choose you use some of that cheese to pay for some school 

But you're not disputing the well-known concept of a "downside guarantee" in WWE contracts right? Just to be clearIf I could find the interview I would, but someone straight up said WWE doesn't pay for midcarders when in comes to injuries.
You could pay all of that as an Indy ME, if you choose for extras. You can get tax deductible, top flight insurance, and seriously, you won't need to travel all that much. I feel you, but you'll be working an INSANE amount of time, with little rest and less real exposure.
Yeah, you'll get a piece of merch, but you ain't going to sell that much, unless you have the IC belt or great promo game. Then the burials, constant competition, avoiding heat, avoiding people calling you lazy and giving you heat because you don't engage in the fukkery, people trying to cuckold you constantly, carney atmosphere, open racism.
All of that, so you might get recognized by 100K more people. I'm pretty sure Jay Lethal is recognizable for people who aren't just casual wrestling fans. The people he meets adores him. They'll kind of like you and shyt, but feel sorry you're getting buried, or you have an a$$hole gimmick that has too many casual fans talking shyt to you.
That talking shyt you'll have to deal with for 325 days a year.
No matter which one you choose you use some of that cheese to pay for some school![]()
But if you're making only 100K, and spending your cheese on accomodations, and insurance (which is likely unsubsidized and high because of your sport) your downside ain't really helping you that much.But you're not disputing the well-known concept of a "downside guarantee" in WWE contracts right? Just to be clear
How long have Titus, Ryder, Bo, Heath, etc. been employed? Even if you're at the bottom of the barrel in WWE, you know you will have a job for at least 5 years *unless you touch Vince's arm*. That is something to also consider. Working for indies is dependent on the indy promoters to stay in business. Outside of ROH and PWG, these indie dudes are 1 or 2 flop shows away from going out of business
Exclusitivity + Legacy imoWhy is TNA not considered indies? Because it the legacy of the old NWA or what. It can't be b/c of revenue.
If Stephanie McMahon's base was only 350K in a year she was featured, what do you think your avg. mid-career is making? Lack of PPV revenue has seriously changed the game. Again, it's one of the reasons Punk left as well. The avg. pay is skewed because there aren't that many wrestlers, but the top wrestlers make in the upper millions/year. It moves the avg. pay to 500k, and I know that's not close to a midcarder's take home.