Would you dump your significant other if he/she wasn't as ambitious or career-minded as you?


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
TBH, if im in a really good financial position, I'd be content with having a homemaker. I'd much rather have a woman who is loving and understanding than a women who's ambitious

no question.

if she makes extremely less than you divorce will ruin you

nikka you act like everyone's making 7 figures.
mines not. which pisses me off. always complaining about her job and wanting to get more bread, but IMO, not even out there trying to find a better one.

meanwhile whenever I start complaining, next thing you know, my black ass is getting job interviews for a potential new position.

mind you she has her masters and working on her doctorate and I only got a degrebachelor's e and still make more bread. I want her to make more money than me!!! :damn:

long story short is she talks a big game, but is actually scared to make a change and do something about it.

Shut the fukk up. This girl working hard in school but doesn't like what she does--so what? Trade places with her and see how "easy" it is to get your masters. You sound like you're envious of her.
@Gator Reloaded I went through this scenario not too long ago.

Me: graduate, worked for a bit then decided to help my father now running the family businesses and mine with my father, hard working, ambitious etc.

My girl: highly intelligent but not motivated, had the grades to apply to a good university, got a place ,didn't want to go kept postponing,entry level dead end jobs, got get her an internship, she got fired etc just not having her shyt together.

It got to the point where I gave her an ultimatum : get your shyt together or I'm leaving you. She had to hit rock bottom and know I was leaving but she finally did get her shyt together.

Now she's enrolled for her Bachelor of Science and interning one day a week in compliance. She wants to go into Compliance and become a compliance analyst.

If it was any other girl I'd have left,but my girl is my childhood sweetheart, been with her for so many years through thick and thin so I couldn't just leave her like I would another girl, letting her hit rock bottom worked.

Makes me wish I hadn't left my childhood sweethart :no:
You missed it breh. You can be successful and ambitious without one of those pieces of paper and all that debt.

Its funny because people who go to college are so brainwashed with the notion that that degree will equate to success. Only half of college grads get in their field anyway. Add to that nearly 50% of college students drop out. You're gonna be in slim pickings here real quick.

So y'all really going to tell me that you'll let a piece of paper stand in your way of being with someone that makes you happy??
Maybe her Idea of success is being a great mother and having a family but she lacks ambition because she didn't finish college and is now a bank teller? :what:

I think OP's friend is feeling himself. He lucked out and got a job in his field and now he thinks he's better than his girl who dropped out.. If she ain't keeping him happy thats one thing but to drop a girl because "she lacks ambition".. Come on breh.

Everyone has a different idea of success. Me? I just wanna be happy man. fukk all that other shyt.

Best post in this thread.


Each one, teach one...
May 5, 2012
@Gator Reloaded I went through this scenario not too long ago.

Me: graduate, worked for a bit then decided to help my father now running the family businesses and mine with my father, hard working, ambitious etc.

My girl: highly intelligent but not motivated, had the grades to apply to a good university, got a place ,didn't want to go kept postponing,entry level dead end jobs, got get her an internship, she got fired etc just not having her shyt together.

It got to the point where I gave her an ultimatum : get your shyt together or I'm leaving you. She had to hit rock bottom and know I was leaving but she finally did get her shyt together.

Now she's enrolled for her Bachelor of Science and interning one day a week in compliance. She wants to go into Compliance and become a compliance analyst.

If it was any other girl I'd have left,but my girl is my childhood sweetheart, been with her for so many years through thick and thin so I couldn't just leave her like I would another girl, letting her hit rock bottom worked.
I'm in a similar situation now. I married my girl after I joined the Army, finished my degree and now I want to get out and teach. I'll be taking a pretty big cut in pay to pursue my passion of teaching and coaching football, and she's been f'ing around in school for 8 yrs. I told her the other week that she better get her stuff str8, or I'm going at this solo because she's not going to be a burden. I've known her for like 13 years, so just cutting her off is not going to happen. It would if that weren't the case though.

Sad Bunny

May 2, 2012
@Gator Reloaded I went through this scenario not too long ago.

Me: graduate, worked for a bit then decided to help my father now running the family businesses and mine with my father, hard working, ambitious etc.

My girl: highly intelligent but not motivated, had the grades to apply to a good university, got a place ,didn't want to go kept postponing,entry level dead end jobs, got get her an internship, she got fired etc just not having her shyt together.

It got to the point where I gave her an ultimatum : get your shyt together or I'm leaving you. She had to hit rock bottom and know I was leaving but she finally did get her shyt together.

Now she's enrolled for her Bachelor of Science and interning one day a week in compliance. She wants to go into Compliance and become a compliance analyst.

If it was any other girl I'd have left,but my girl is my childhood sweetheart, been with her for so many years through thick and thin so I couldn't just leave her like I would another girl, letting her hit rock bottom worked.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
yup...............always be with somebody that's motivated


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
No, I wouldn't dump someone over some bullshyt like that, as long as they had a decent job and were a good person. For me, everything revolves around the type of person you are, having ambition means very little to me and I wouldn't want to be with someone whose life revolves around their career. That shyt is just a means to an end, it's why so many people are fukking miserable, nothing is ever good enough.


Aug 3, 2013
as long as she's motivated to suck my dikk, cook, clean and be loyal i dont care

prenup involved :win: