World's oldest rock found in W. Australia; 4.374 billion years


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
King-Over-Kingz said:
Nature isnt the universe friend

If it wasn't, the Fibonacci Sequence/Golden Ratio wouldn't work. Yet it does. Everywhere. On everything.




As I stated, math is Universal. Your criticism makes no sense.​
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Jun 28, 2013
A foreigner? :mjlol: Abraham wasnt a foreigner to Israel since Israel didnt exist so I dont see what you're trying to get at.

Im still waiting for you to show where a foreigner is said to become an Israelite. I already said they get the same treatment. If you cant show the law saying they will become Israelites well then

Lol this is a classic case of erecting a straw man to make your argument look stronger. Where did you see me say Abraham was foreigner to Israel? Considering Israel came through HIS line.

What I DID say, which you took outta context, was the fact that Abraham came from a family of Pagans, yet was CHOSEN by the Most High to be the father of many nations (Which would include Israel through his grandson Jacob) and of the promise.

Chosen, not born with.

And I've already proven my point with facts. The burden of proof is now on you to disprove it if you can.

Nah your THEORY doesnt hold weight because you still havent shown in the law or the prophets that states that a person can become a son of Jacob. All you can show is their treatment. I didnt say they would be treated different. But an Israelite is a son of Jacob. Not a religion. Not a walk of life. Which is why I asked you to show where a person in the OT was called a "fake" son of Israel. Couldnt find it could you? Oh and I didnt mean a literal translation of fake. I want you to exemplify a person being a "fake" son of Jacob by their actions. Can you find it? I mean you have many kings that did evil in the sight of the Almighty, where were they called fake sons of Jacob?

I already did. several times actually.

We can even see the foreshadowing of all these things in the covenant he made with Abraham.

Genesis 17:9-14

9 Then God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. 10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. 11 You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. 12 For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring. 13 Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant. 14 Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”

So what was contingent for one to be counted amongst Israel under the Mosaic law?

1) Be circumcised* of the heart and flesh. (*typo)
2) Keep the Law (Torah)

And I couldn't find one example? I literally pointed out two to you earlier in Saul and Solomon.

But if you insist...

Hosea 2:1-4
1 In that day you will call your brothers Ammi -- 'My people.' And you will call your sisters Ruhamah -- 'The ones I love.' 2 "But now, call Israel to account, for she is no longer my wife, and I am no longer her husband. Tell her to take off her garish makeup and suggestive clothing and to stop playing the prostitute. 3 If she doesn't, I will strip her as naked as she was on the day she was born. I will leave her to die of thirst, as in a desert or a dry and barren wilderness. 4 And I will not love her children as I would my own because they are not my children! They were conceived in adultery.

Why dont I accept Maccabees? Though you didnt ask, I'll tell you anyways. Where in the law or the prophets does it advocate praying for the dead? Or saints making intercession? It doesnt does it?

Intercession of saints ONLY when viewed from a Catholic POV.

Yet we clearly see Pharisaic customs being implemented by the Hasmonean dynasty of Judah during that time, including prayer for the dead.

This is actually WHY both accounts are important. They not only deal with the historicity of Judah at that time, but also the strange (i.e non-torah) doctrines that were brought in by the Pharisees, who pretty much rose to power DURING that period.

But if keeping the Law is important to you, I do hope you're keeping up with your animal sacrifices for atonement of sin.

If you're excuse is the generic "no, because the 2nd temple was destroyed and that's where people to make their sacrifices" prepare to be hit with some sobering facts concerning that.

Who said anything of Saul or Solomon or any Israelite being accepted just because they were Israelites? Who said that foreigners who are not SONS OF JACOB will be rejected because of this? NOT I. I've said the same thing all along. An Israelite is a son of Jacob. Not a religion. Not a walk of life lol

Who mentioned religion? I'm simply pointing out what scripture says.

A jew is not a keeper of the torah. But a descendant of the tribe of Judah. Solomon was from the tribe of Judah despite his shortcomings. Can you bring an example of where the OT uses "destroyed cut off and rejected" and lets see if it refers to them as not being from the tribe of Judah anymore? Nobody said that an Israelite is going to be accepted no matter what so Im not sure what you're getting at by insinuating that this is my argument. Maybe you're just arguing to argue?

So then why the issue about saying foreigners were brought into the fold and accepted as the native-born Israelites?

As for using examples of being destroyed, cut off and rejected, here are 3 quick ones off top.

Amos 9:8-10

“Surely the eyes of the Sovereign Lord
are on the sinful kingdom.
I will destroy it
from the face of the earth.
Yet I will not totally destroy
the descendants of Jacob,”

declares the Lord.
9 “For I will give the command,
and I will shake the people of Israel
among all the nations

as grain is shaken in a sieve,
and not a pebble will reach the ground.
10 All the sinners among my people
will die by the sword,

all those who say,
‘Disaster will not overtake or meet us.’

2nd Kings 17:18-20

So the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them from his presence. Only the tribe of Judah was left, 19 and even Judah did not keep the commands of the Lord their God. They followed the practices Israel had introduced. 20 Therefore the Lord rejected all the people of Israel; he afflicted them and gave them into the hands of plunderers, until he thrust them from his presence.

Numbers 15:30
“‘But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or foreigner, blasphemes the Lord and must be cut off from the people of Israel.

And yet none of this has anything to do with the FACT that the way Israel was supposed to follow for ALL generations was never called Judaism when it was first given to them :mjlol:

You can blame Solomon for that....

Where did the Levites refer to their faith as Judaism? :mjpls:

I mean, that's just common sense. They formed a part of the House of Judah along with Benjamin.

2nd Maccabbes 8:1 state the following

Judas, otherwise known as Maccabaeus, and his companions made their way secretly among the villages, rallying their fellow-countrymen; they recruited those who remained loyal to Judaism and assembled about six thousand.

Even if you call that a reach or reading into the text too much, you can't deny that the people at that time referred to their faith as Judaism. Just as they referred to themselves as Jews, despite some not being directly descendants of Judah. (Paul in Acts 21:39 and Romans 11:1)

I really dont refer to it as the Tanakh and I dont like referring to it as the OT but I do so so the person Im speaking with understands me. If I have an understanding with the person, I usually refer to it as the law and the prophets :manny:

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Jun 28, 2013
Breh if you believe Moses then you would also believe that you are not simply going to accept any prophet that comes in the name of the God of Abraham since their have been and will be false prophets. Soooooooooo..... Maccabees teaches things contrary to what was given to Israel. There for it gets the :camby: treatment.

I mean how can you read maccabees, see the doctrine presented in it, and agree with it if you've also read the law and the prophets? :scusthov:

Historical account breh. Nobody is saying I AGREE with what is being said, but it is important in order to understand where the false teachings taught by jews today came from.

I guess Im abouta be done wit this lol. You keep insinuating that Im saying that a foreigner is less than an Israelite. NOPE. You keep insinuating that Im saying that an Israelite will be accepted no matter what. NOPE. What Im saying is that foreigners do not become sons of Jacob. That is physical. They can be accepted just as Israel is and get the same treatment that Israel does. But they do not become sons of Israel. Now that you brought up Ruth, where does it say she became a daughter of Israel?

Ruth 1:16
But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.

I think it's safe to say she was counted as a daughter of Israel in the eyes of the creator, considering she was David's grandmother.

What are you not getting about the law holding precedence over everything after it? So the Maccabees would get the :camby: treatment because it teaches things contrary to what the law does. Not to mention that the best you could do from the law is showing that foreigners would be treated the same as Israel. They wouldnt get lesser treatment for being foreigners. Very well, I never disagreed with that. Why cant you show the law stating that foreigners would become sons of Israel? Is it not there

I did. You've just been disagreeing with it completely.

So again, I've never said that foreigners will not be accepted. Can you stop insinuating that? I mean at least keep the convo honest breh :rudy:

I've said all along that they get the same treatment :snoop:
I've said all along that they would not be rejected for not being an Israelite.:snoop:
I've said all along that an Israelite will not simply be accepted for being an Israelite. :snoop:

And ultimately, I've said that they (the foreigners) would not become Israelites. Well intermingling can occur of course so I guess in that manner they could. But not simply by believing in the God of Abraham. Which is why all your verses differentiate them by calling one "foreigner" and the other "Israelite" or "native born".

I can also show you texts which differentiate between Israel and Judah after their split. You're using logical fallacy to draw your conclusions.

You seem to be under the impression that being an Israelite was contingent on bloodline alone. Which means purity comes into play. If that's the case, that would really put a damper Sheshan's daughter's descendants, seeing as their father was an Egyptian. It would also take away from Judah's son Shelah, who's mother was a Canaanite, along with Ephraim and Manasseh, David's sister Abigail, Moses' children and anyone who married and had kids with an Egyptian during Israel's Exodus.

You're getting desperate :mjlol: Thats all that needs to be said breh. I never said that foreigners would not be accepted. I never said they wouldnt get the benefits that Israel got. What Im saying is that NOWHERE in the law or the prophets does it state that they will become sons of Israel. All you can show is treatment.

And again, if it differentiates them, then well you know they're not Israelites

Lol you still haven't disproven what I've posted with any counter verses. So I'll take that as you pretty much waving the white flag.

No. If you used my logic you would know why I dont consider anyone that is not a son of Jacob an Israelite. Therefore Judah would still be an Israelites as they are still sons of Jacob. So why were they differentiated? Well that is because their kingdom was separated from the rest of Israel. But you knew that already :rudy:

:mjlol: You dont seem to get it. I NEVER said a foreigner would not be accepted by God Almighty. But the fact that they're called "Egyptians" and "Assyrians" shows that they are not suddenly sons of Israel just by worshiping the God of Abraham. You can look at King Cyrus being called God's anointed one in the same manner. He didnt become a son of Israel because of it. Because a son is a PHYSICAL descendant. Not a walk of life. There will be many sons of Israel that continue idol worshiping. There will be many sons of Israel that perish along with foreigners for not following the God of their ancestors. So being an Israelite isnt a "get out of jail free" card. But it is a bloodline.

Well I'm glad you agree with me concerning Judah. And seeing as we know they are Israelites it drives my point home even more, especially since many of the people of Persia BECAME Jews in Esther 8:15-17.

Whether you accept Esther or not is irrelevant. It is scripture. Moving the goal post cause you're losing an argument is kinda lame b.

We also have Josephus saying the same thing about the Idumeans. I'll take his word for it, considering he was a 1st century Hebrew historian.

So all we can do now is agree to disagree, cause there is evidence that contradicts the bolded.
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Nov 21, 2013
Historical account breh. Nobody is saying I AGREE with what is being said, but it is important in order to understand where the false teachings taught by jews today came from.

Ruth 1:16

I think it's safe to say she was counted as a daughter of Israel in the eyes of the creator, considering she was David's grandmother.

If the historical account that you're trying to relate teaches false teachings, then why would we accept the conclusion you're trying to make that foreigners would eventually become Israelites? :what: You wouldnt. You would throw it out along with those false teachings. Now the law on the otherhand....:mjpls:

I did. You've just been disagreeing with it completely.

Nope. What you DID do was show that foreigners would not be considered lesser, treated unequally, or remain uninvolved in the blessings that were designated for the house of Israel. Never disagreed. What I did say is that the law and the prophets never state that the foreigners would become Israelites since Israelites are descendants of Jacob. Then again, my friend pointed out that Israel means to contend with God so I guess that could apply to a variety of people.

But the law doesnt support that. Nor do the prophets suggest that anyone that contends with God Almighty becomes an Israelite. Nor did you if you want to jump on this argument now.

I can also show you texts which differentiate between Israel and Judah after their split. You're using logical fallacy to draw your conclusions.

For reasons already explained. NEXT....
You seem to be under the impression that being an Israelite was contingent on bloodline alone. Which means purity comes into play. If that's the case, that would really put a damper Sheshan's daughter's descendants, seeing as their father was an Egyptian. It would also take away from Judah's son Shelah, who's mother was a Canaanite, along with Ephraim and Manasseh, David's sister Abigail, Moses' children and anyone who married and had kids with an Egyptian during Israel's Exodus.

It was and is contingent on bloodline alone. And all those people you named had Israelite blood in them did they not?

Lol you still haven't disproven what I've posted with any counter verses. So I'll take that as you pretty much waving the white flag.

Theres no need to "counter" verses. You're going to believe your theory which is based on Paul that there are "fake" jews that do not act as they are supposed to. And yet king after king did evil in the sight of God Almighty and not once were they reffered to as fake Israelites or any adjective that applies to them being liars of the ancestry.

Well I'm glad you agree with me concerning Judah. And seeing as we know they are Israelites it drives my point home even more, especially since many of the people of Persia BECAME Jews in Esther 8:15-17.

Whether you accept Esther or not is irrelevant. It is scripture. Moving the goal post cause you're losing an argument is kinda lame b.

We also have Josephus saying the same thing about the Idumeans. I'll take his word for it, considering he was a 1st century Hebrew historian.

So all we can do now is agree to disagree, cause there is evidence that contradicts the bolded.

Yea you can take the word of man and come to your conclusion. I'll believe the servant of God Almighty (Moses). :ehh:

Yea I dont accept Esther. You can though if you want, I guess it isnt pertinent to salvation anyways. Im not moving the goal posts either by the way. I've stated the same thing this whole time. You cant find an instance in the law or the prophets where they state that a foreigner can become an Israelite. They can be treated equally sure. Open to the same blessings that are open to Israel sure. But nowhere does it state that they can become an Israelite. And thats all the proof needed.

But yea agree to disagree I guess...


Nov 21, 2013
Lol this is a classic case of erecting a straw man to make your argument look stronger. Where did you see me say Abraham was foreigner to Israel? Considering Israel came through HIS line.

What I DID say, which you took outta context, was the fact that Abraham came from a family of Pagans, yet was CHOSEN by the Most High to be the father of many nations (Which would include Israel through his grandson Jacob) and of the promise.

Chosen, not born with.

And I've already proven my point with facts. The burden of proof is now on you to disprove it if you can.

Ok so what? My point in saying that about Abraham was your point was irrelevant. A foreigner to what? Thats what you called him not me. So in the context of our convo it was irrelevant. Oh and Most men on earth were pagans at that time but Abraham was chosen for a specific purpose because (according to some traditions) he didnt worship the idols of his father. Nonetheless the reasoning doesnt matter. Nor does the fact that you called him a foreigner or that he came from a family of pagans. God does what God does and chooses who God chooses.

I already did. several times actually.

We can even see the foreshadowing of all these things in the covenant he made with Abraham.

Genesis 17:9-14

So what was contingent for one to be counted amongst Israel under the Mosaic law?

1) Be uncircumcised of the heart and flesh.
2) Keep the Law (Torah)

Counted amongst Israel does not mean they are Israelites friend. Keep reaching and you might pull something :mjpls:

And I couldn't find one example? I literally pointed out two to you earlier in Saul and Solomon.

But if you insist...

Hosea 2:1-4

That doesnt say they're fake children of Israel :mjlol:

Intercession of saints ONLY when viewed from a Catholic POV.

Yet we clearly see Pharisaic customs being implemented by the Hasmonean dynasty of Judah during that time, including prayer for the dead.

This is actually WHY both accounts are important. They not only deal with the historicity of Judah at that time, but also the strange (i.e non-torah) doctrines that were brought in by the Pharisees, who pretty much rose to power DURING that period.

But if keeping the Law is important to you, I do hope you're keeping up with your animal sacrifices for atonement of sin.

If you're excuse is the generic "no, because the 2nd temple was destroyed and that's where people to make their sacrifices" prepare to be hit with some sobering facts concerning that.

My point is, nothing that happens after the law was given has any bearing on the law that Israel is supposed to be following. So Solomon (or David cant remember off the top, might even be both) having multiple wives even though the book of the law strictly condemns them from doing so. Does that mean its okay? Not if you believe Moses when he says to follow the commandments of the God of Israel for all generations.

:mjlol: The same christian spiel that the only way to atone for sins is animal sacrifice huh? Do you really want me to show you places where people's sins were atoned for without sacrifice? Or how about where Moses advises Israel not to sacrifice anywhere they please but only in the place where God Almighty chooses to place Its name?

As for using examples of being destroyed, cut off and rejected, here are 3 quick ones off top.

Amos 9:8-10

I guess descendants of Jacob means nothing here :mjlol:

2nd Kings 17:18-20

And yet this doesnt say anything of foreigners being Israelite or the house of Israel not being sons of Jacob anymore. Just that God rejected them.
Numbers 15:30

Clearly says foreigner and native born would be cut off from the rest of Israel. Doesnt say that the Israelite wouldnt be a son of Jacob anymore or that the foreigner is an Israelite. :mjlol:

You can blame Solomon for that....

If I was to blame anyone it would be Moses since the law was given to him. But I wouldnt blame Moses in the first place.

Besides why Moses call it judaism if thats what he established? :mjlol:

I mean, that's just common sense. They formed a part of the House of Judah along with Benjamin.

2nd Maccabbes 8:1 state the following

Even if you call that a reach or reading into the text too much, you can't deny that the people at that time referred to their faith as Judaism. Just as they referred to themselves as Jews, despite some not being directly descendants of Judah. (Paul in Acts 21:39 and Romans 11:1)

2nd maccabees again? I dont count that. But even if I did, that doesnt refer to the religion of Judaism. But refers to the way that they (Jews) were following. But what we have here is you not being able to go to Leviticus and show me where the levites referred to it as Judaism. You cant go to the prophets and show me. You keep reaching to maccabees which you've already admitted is corrupted with false teachings.

Romans 11:1
I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin.


Acts 21:39
Paul replied, “I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no obscure city. I beg you, permit me to speak to the people.”



Nov 21, 2013
If it wasn't, the Fibonacci Sequence/Golden Ratio wouldn't work. Yet it does. Everywhere. On everything.




As I stated, math is Universal. Your criticism makes no sense.​

Now how would you not only communicate ideas, thoughts, and feelings using this, but also exemplify that the way that you explain this communication would be universal in understanding?


Nov 21, 2013
@King-Over-Kingz Please go back to high school and ask your teachers to actually teach you something useful. That is all. If you cannot understand how math is universal, ask someone smarter than you.

Im good breh. They're under the beast as well as the rest of society. Im tryna break free while you're tryna keep me enslaved :rudy:


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
King-Over-Kingz said:
Now how would you not only communicate ideas, thoughts, and feelings using this, but also exemplify that the way that you explain this communication would be universal in understanding?

What math does is establish that something CAN be communicated with in the first place since your original question was:

King-Over-Kingz said:
You're not saying we are going to communicate wit these (demonic) beings using math right? If not then how is that the universal language?

Once we've established we can communicate with those beings by using math (like the video I first posted), it is a matter of building a vocabulary to transmit ideas, thoughts and feelings.
