There is a Gawd! Went to see part one in the theaters on the first day it opened and I wanted to kill myself. I couldn’t order enough drinks to get nice enough to forget how horrible that shyt was. I didn’t even bother watching part two. Gal Gadot is a horrible actress and it’s a damn shame what she did to the wonder woman image.
I remember when the DCEU was launched, DC fans really tried to act like what Marvel was doing was going to be light work. Who needs a bunch of origin stories.. Just get this shyt started....
Good. The first one sucked and it killed any interest for me to care about WW 1984. I never did and still don't understand how people said Wonder Woman 2017 was a good movie.
Good. The first one sucked and it killed any interest for me to care about WW 1984. I never did and still don't understand how people said Wonder Woman 2017 was a good movie.
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