Women that have dated degenerates (thugs, bums, players) in her past are for Smash and Dash only!


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Most women the date degenerates find consistency and order boring. They want a Rollercoaster ride. Good marriages aren't Rollercoaster rides.

Women that are marriage worthy and good wives always attract and are attracted to good men. These women never have to get dogged out bcuz they know and want good men. They know exactly what type of men that make good husbands and fathers.

"I was young and dumb" is not a excuse.

She was raised and evolved wrong. Women dont just stop yearning for bad boys. I've dated and know more women than probably anyone of here and believe me, they can't change what they're attracted too. Even some 40 years old single mothers still getting played by some dusty old street dudes. You like what u like.

If u a square, date women that love squares.
Lol now it makes sense (slightly) of that passport. In the States that basically leaves nothing, by this standard. Most girls I knew of every race had atleast once thug, whether it was pookie or their own race. The difference now, is women 20-30yrs ago got it in, but not with the numbers they have now.


Dec 29, 2016
That’s a very naive hot take threadstarter.

People and their priorities change as they get older, these same women that get wifed today and are taking their children to the ball game in their SUV or minivan, sit on the local parent-teacher association, and are apart of a book club, were getting their back blown out by june bug and them yesterday.

Kneegrows egos don’t want to let them admit it, but some other man was running up in what they love before they got there. For some of y’all some other man is still running up in her only behind y’all’s back now.

Those little tricks she’s doing in the bedroom are not exclusive to you, she got her practice somewhere else.

Women typically mellow out (as do men too) over time and their maternal instincts take priority over throwing their azz in a circle, but make no mistake it was in them at one point and probably still is deep down and buried.

You are twisting what the OP said and you know it. Not once did he talk about having a problem with women who had previous partners but that is what you're trying to depict it as when talking about other men running up in her.

OP is talking about women who grew up dating a particular type of men. It isn't naive to take that into consideration. People would do well to take into consideration. It is, at the end of the day, their resumé.

Buzzed Lightyear

Sep 20, 2012
That’s a very naive hot take threadstarter.

People and their priorities change as they get older, these same women that get wifed today and are taking their children to the ball game in their SUV or minivan, sit on the local parent-teacher association, and are apart of a book club, were getting their back blown out by june bug and them yesterday.

Kneegrows egos don’t want to let them admit it, but some other man was running up in what they love before they got there. For some of y’all some other man is still running up in her only behind y’all’s back now.

Those little tricks she’s doing in the bedroom are not exclusive to you, she got her practice somewhere else.

Women typically mellow out (as do men too) over time and their maternal instincts take priority over throwing their azz in a circle, but make no mistake it was in them at one point and probably still is deep down and buried.
Harsh realities.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
The different between nice guys and "bad boys" is that the bad boy has an edge to themselves that appeals to most women. Assertiveness and Boldness.

The "bad boy/pookie and ray ray"" doesn't give a fukk about impressing her nor does he care about the outcome. He's too busy focusing on himself.

There's also a female version of this aka "City girl" "304" "neighborhood thot" these women are nothing more than pump and dump.

Most women have an archetype that they date. However, they will date outside that archetype due to curiosity.

Good girls get cuffed early when a sensible guy notices her worth, cultural values and character.

A man should always enter the game with confidence with slight cockiness. Most women fukk with winners, they don't fukk with losers. Every community has their own "alpha" that controls the dynamic. From the rap community to the so-called "conscious" community. These men have the incentive to attract these chicks.

At the end of the day, female nature is female nature. Keep a masculine frame, lead and don't pedestalize women. They're just humans.
No. Read Genesis ch.3. Why did Eve entertain the serpent(Satann), when she had Adam? Because women are weaker vessels and are more prone to the attraction of evil and power than men are. This world lied on men. You ever notice, more women are into new agee, star seed crap, tarot, witchcraft, ect. They are prone to seeking forbidden knowledge, from higher lvl beings, and usually introduce or graft men, into these practices, usually through sex, ultimately destroying the man eventually.

Women have gotten men knocked off more than men. That’s not blaming them or saying they are bad, but rather they NEED leadership and guidance. Without that, the truth is most women will always choose a “bad boy” over a 6 figure “good man”. Even if the “good man” is good looking, the badboy better not be atleast what a women considers passible, or the woman will entertain it. PLENTY of women entertained me at work and were in relatiinships or rather tried to force themselves on me, because they thought I looked “bad” lol. White, black, latin, indian, ect (I never entertained them).


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
Women that have dated thugs...yes. I would never date a woman who dated a thug at 18+ yo.

For bums & players, I'd change that to "repeatedly" and/or "consistently but then agree with OP. Players play...good girls w/ good intentions can get got. Bums that aren't thugs usually just means they were sweethearts and/or she fell in love with the pipe and/or she liked having someone to lord over.

The 1st two aren't red flags but that last one is. Putting a need for relationship power above using your time well/building to something for the future is a big red flag. That relationship will be nothing but a power struggle.

And if she's comfortable wasting her own time, imagine how comfortable she is wasting yours.


Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth
No. Read Genesis ch.3. Why did Eve entertain the serpent(Satann), when she had Adam? Because women are weaker vessels and are more prone to the attraction of evil and power than men are. This world lied on men. You ever notice, more women are into new agee, star seed crap, tarot, witchcraft, ect. They are prone to seeking forbidden knowledge, from higher lvl beings, and usually introduce or graft men, into these practices, usually through sex, ultimately destroying the man eventually.

Women have gotten men knocked off more than men. That’s not blaming them or saying they are bad, but rather they NEED leadership and guidance. Without that, the truth is most women will always choose a “bad boy” over a 6 figure “good man”. Even if the “good man” is good looking, the badboy better not be atleast what a women considers passible, or the woman will entertain it. PLENTY of women entertained me at work and were in relatiinships or rather tried to force themselves on me, because they thought I looked “bad” lol. White, black, latin, indian, ect (I never entertained them).
I do notice women who are into astrology and new age philosophy are low key freaks but try to play it off like they're "innocent". Now you mention the succubus women, these women are the "Britney Renners" "Superheads" pretty much any clout chasing/attention whore that uses sex as a come up to drain a man's resources. This happens very often when a man is blinded by a woman's looks,, Medellin Colombia, DR, etc. It's wise for a man to use discernment before getting involved with any woman. Women play a role to catch a sucker.

Proverbs 31:3 "Do not give your strength to women, Nor your ways to that which destroys kings. ... Give not thy strength unto women, Nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings"

Ever heard of sapiosexuals? A new breed of chicks. They're more focused on stimulation of the mind. Get a woman's mind you got her soul forever. Poets, Rappers, Pastors are just a few that attract this archetype of women.


Jan 28, 2013
That’s a very naive hot take threadstarter.

People and their priorities change as they get older, these same women that get wifed today and are taking their children to the ball game in their SUV or minivan, sit on the local parent-teacher association, and are apart of a book club, were getting their back blown out by june bug and them yesterday.

Kneegrows egos don’t want to let them admit it, but some other man was running up in what they love before they got there. For some of y’all some other man is still running up in her only behind y’all’s back now.

Those little tricks she’s doing in the bedroom are not exclusive to you, she got her practice somewhere else.

Women typically mellow out (as do men too) over time and their maternal instincts take priority over throwing their azz in a circle, but make no mistake it was in them at one point and probably still is deep down and buried.

Most girls were not fugging June Bug and them. I don’t know why y’all persist with these lies :mjlol:

The average woman has had relationships with various boyfriends in college and young adulthood. That’s a lot different than fugging Project Pat and all of North Memphis at the Motel 6.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Y'all heard Amber Rose tell black men stop policing women's bodies, let a woman be a hoe if she wants...:russ:

no wonder relationships is trash because these women want to be with good dudes but run the streets at the same time expecting you to save them after... a tale as old as time....:beli:


Jan 28, 2013
Nah growing up in LA we got gangs from literally every race and bytches from those races fukk with them. You’re not telling me Mexican, Armenian, Asian, Samoan, white street dudes aren’t getting p*ssy from their women

Not from the women you want to date or marry. The finance director at [insert company] is not dating Jax Teller breh. Or Ezekiel Reyes. That’s just a tv show. Shyt would be embarrassing IRL. Only way it could possibly work is if those type of dudes cleaned themselves up, and were successful in some blue collar type way. Like owning a trucking business or construction company. Otherwise it’s not happening.


Jun 13, 2019
Most girls were not fugging June Bug and them. I don’t know why y’all persist with these lies :mjlol:

The average woman has had relationships with various boyfriends in college and young adulthood. That’s a lot different than fugging Project Pat and all of North Memphis at the Motel 6.
June Bug and them is just a metaphor for the exact type of fellas you just mentioned.

Women like men that aren’t sweating them. June Bug and them aren’t sweating them like those men coming to the internet who want to make a woman the center of their universe and complaining when she rejects them because that isn’t what she really wants.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
I do notice women who are into astrology and new age philosophy are low key freaks but try to play it off like they're "innocent". Now you mention the succubus women, these women are the "Britney Renners" "Superheads" pretty much any clout chasing/attention whore that uses sex as a come up to drain a man's resources. This happens very often when a man is blinded by a woman's looks,, Medellin Colombia, DR, etc. It's wise for a man to use discernment before getting involved with any woman. Women play a role to catch a sucker.

Proverbs 31:3 "Do not give your strength to women, Nor your ways to that which destroys kings. ... Give not thy strength unto women, Nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings"

Ever heard of sapiosexuals? A new breed of chicks. They're more focused on stimulation of the mind. Get a woman's mind you got her soul forever. Poets, Rappers, Pastors are just a few that attract this archetype of women.
Yea. This is facts. The Brittany Rens, are Jezebels. They should be completely avoided. I should add, women have to be led by righteous men, at the very least, not the modern man, which is completely gone off fornication. This “casual sex” culture won’t last much longer.

Isaiah 4:1
In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, “We will eat our own bread and provide our own clothes. Just let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace!”

By this time only a remnant of ppl will be around. Repent if you haven’t and accept the free gift of salvation. Believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and arose on the 3rd day to be back with the Father.