Looks like you're switching your argument.
Okay, where does it say that it's 'fully fleshed before 25?' At what age then? If you just Google brain development/maturation age 25, you'll get many hits and reputable articles that show the number of developmental researchers who have unanimously agreed that 25 is roughly the age when our brain fully develops.
What age do you suggest? Link, please.
Do you really believe its a matter of "brain development" and age? You should feel worse for a young person because maybe they didn't have time to work everything out in their mind. But its people whos maturation aint developed by age 40 and they still don't know who they really are

...whether its because they never bothered to explor they own morality and who they are as a person. Some people have been coddled they whole life and never been tested. Some people have been through a lot and know where they stand on certain areas and have been tested and there stance didn't change. Id say you got people who either are what they think society wants them to be which is phony,then you got those who decide to rebel against what society expects,and a lot of those people are just as phony

...to me your not matured til you really lived life and have been forced to make hard decisions,had battles with your morality,and have been forced to challenge what you thought you knew about yourself ,and then come to a valid conclusion about who you really and where you stand on certain things.....I don't think a lot of 18-25 year olds can fall into that category do you

I think maybe these studies consider people taking a arrogant stance without walking in the shoes of people we judging,or people taking moral highgrounds when they haven't been tested somehow equals "maturity"....to me that's just people growing up and feeling more confident to talk shyt

...if you are fully developed by 25 mentally and know where you stand on everything you either lived too much,or you aint living and challenging yourself enough imo...but I will agree most people fall into the second category