- I think Wolf on Wall Street is a 10 in the entertainment factory only. You're defininitly entertained throughout right from the jump. But overall its a low 7 imo simply because Sorcesses cheated on this one. Its as if he used a cheat code in a video game to get ahead. the cheat was the sex and drugs. Nothing wrong with some sex and drugs in a click, its damn near mandatory but with Scoresse its as if he said, "Oh you're getting board well here's a scene of a chick getting a blowjob, You're falling asleep? well don't snooze off here's a scene of running a train on a hooker with drugs, don't turn away Jonah Hill is literally jacking off infront of a room full of people, you want more ludes you say? coming right up!
and if say they made a phone call, it couldn't just be a regular phone call.. nope it was a phone call while banging a hooker. a phone call in between lines of coke and so forth. Wolf is highly entertaining no doubt and DiCaprio did a hell of a job but minus the excess its not the best story told on screen that's for sure. Margin Call even had more storyline than Wolf. and its not touchin' the first Wall Street movie either.