WNBA Legend Sheryl Swoopes has been hating on PAWG superstar Caitlin Clarke for some reason


Jun 16, 2012
The hatred over this chick is really making a lot of people look stupid. A few months ago the argument was that she can't be ROTY because her team wasn't contending whereas Reese's was. Now her squad has a higher seed than Reese's team and nobody talks about that anymore, funny.

I think it's obvious that there's an angry, bitter segment of the fanbase AND players who won't admit they're wrong. I don't think this is a black woman problem though. Think about NBA narratives when Larry Bird and Magic entered the league. Imagine being some hardened vet enforcer back then being told that a couple rookies were saving the league you helped build. You'd be mad too. Or think what the NHL went through in the 90s when certain players and play styles got phased out. The old guard is always going to be bitter. At some point you gotta take the L. And that starts with acknowledging that rookie of the year isn't tied. Clark is clearly better than Reese, who plays like Kwame Brown.



Jul 7, 2015
South Florida
CC#22 got the iii

the fact that the gift was given to a euro is making some folks itch

that's a personal issue..........

People don’t seem to get this, she’s got people watching because she shoots like Steph Curry and dishes like Nash. She took a non powerhouse team in Iowa to the national championship in back to back years, that is unprecedented shyt. Why is it so hard to comprehend a lot of people just simply like her game without an agenda behind it? Of course there’s gonna be some MAGA and racist fans who support her, she’s a white girl from Midwestern America. But calling folks out of their name who aren’t on that bullshyt because people simply like the way she can hoop is crazy.


Apr 30, 2012
People don’t seem to get this, she’s got people watching because she shoots like Steph Curry and dishes like Nash. She took a non powerhouse team in Iowa to the national championship in back to back years, that is unprecedented shyt. Why is it so hard to comprehend a lot of people just simply like her game without an agenda behind it? Of course there’s gonna be some MAGA and racist fans who support her, she’s a white girl from Midwestern America. But calling folks out of their name who aren’t on that bullshyt because people simply like the way she can hoop is crazy.
You guys are just going to keep repeating the same shyt over and over and ignore any point to the contrary huh? You guys are a parody of a Clark fan that people can’t stand at this point. You’re literally like a white person who thinks something can’t have racist connotations while also having merit. Like if someone is a great white actor and wins an award that doesn’t then mean that someone can’t point out that black actors with similar performances aren’t acknowledged. It’s not either or. And your failure to acknowledge that her fanbase is toxic as fukk while just regurgitating basic “I see no color” ass talking points just further aggravates people.

It’s literally why Becky Hammon got upset with the media earlier this year. Why does nuance bother you guys so much? “I want to enjoy this white girl I like in peace and I can’t burdened to take 10 seconds to acknowledge some bullshyt.”
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Jul 7, 2015
South Florida
You guys are just going to keep repeating the same shyt over and over and ignore any point to the contrary huh? You guys are a parody of a Clark fan that people can’t stand at this point. You’re literally like a white person who thinks something can’t have racist connotations while also having merit. Like if someone is a great white actor and wins an award that doesn’t then mean that someone can’t point out that black actors with similar performances aren’t acknowledged. It’s either not either or. And you’re failure to acknowledge that her fanbase is toxic as fukk while just regurgitating basic “I see no color” ass talking points must further aggravates people.

It’s literally why Becky Hammon got upset with the media earlier this year. Why does nuance bother you guys so much? “I want to enjoy this white fuel I like in peace and I can’t burdened to take 10 seconds to acknowledge some bullshyt.”
I mean I’ve already acknowledged the MAGA bullshyt, don’t like it and don’t fukk with it. But are people not supposed to watch her and like her game because of that toxic part of her fan base? What’s the endgame? There were people calling out LeBron for giving her props like he hasn’t done that for other women hoopers for years. We understand nuance, which is exactly why we keep saying we can like her game without being part of that toxic fanbase, we simply like watching her hoop.


Apr 30, 2012
Nothing I posted was misleading, let alone "incredibly".

I'm here purely to speak as an arbiter. I'm not here for this stan wars bullshyt about some broads. Y'all can have that.

Don't pound your chest in front of these folks thinking you can get one up on me, with whatever this bullshyt is. I haven't engaged with you once since I've been back, nor have I participated in any discussion that you've been involved in, so leave this "on brand for you" hoe talk out of it. The fact you'd even start off your post like this means you a fan.

But I digress.

If there haven't been many flagrant fouls in the first place, that only adds weight to my argument; it means that kind of activity isn't normal, it means that the flagrant fouls committed against her are even more of an anamoly. Instead of twisting yourself in knots with this bullshyt justification, tell me, which other player this season or last season has or had comparatively the same amount of flagrant fouls purposefully committed on them?

If there isn't a player, then what I'm illustrating isn't misleading.

What I'm pointing is out that there's naturally a response equal in tone to this treatment, especially since she has all eyes on her, it's only going to amplify that, even if the specific number of flagrant fouls or the select amount of teams isn't that large in a vacuum. I'm not speaking from my POV, I'm speaking from the POV of how the public is reacting to this.

Well, quite clearly she has been getting more roughed up, hence the number of flagrant fouls on her. You even admit yourself that those type of fouls are uncommon, so how could you possibly be of the belief there's relatively the same amount of those fouls on other players?

The Jordan Rules had no effect on the growth of the game because MJ didn't get injured because of it.

If she does get injured as a result of these actions, then it will effect the WNBA's growth, dependent on how prolonged her absence is.

This isn't really true anymore.

They're the ones who initially powered the fanfare, but the more she got national recognition, the more other demographics checked in. The folks that followed her every step through three years of college would only be a certain portion. No different to those who followed MJ at Chapel Hill over the same time frame, they were ultimately a drop in the ocean once he became a household name in the NBA.

And that's the precise reason why the WNBA has more eyes on it than ever before. Folks who never really cared for the league are now checking in.

Take this board for example -

There's literally a sticked thread with 19,000 replies about the WNBA. You've got countless amount of threads centered around her, just like this one, that the whole damn subforum is engaged in. You can't escape it. Trying to get posters to talk about the WNBA prior was like trying to pull teeth, now you can't keep them away.

Quite literally no different to the adornment of other transcendent stars in other sports and the lore that folks are swept up in. Hell, even 20 years after his retirement, if you dare criticize MJ, in any way, shape or form, the pitchforks will be out for you. Two cotdamn decades after he's played.

It's not really the same thing though, because beating someone's ass has always been exclusive to men, and the same machismo doesn't exist in women non-combat sports. As much as the story around her fandom is all too familiar, there's still uncharted territory, because of how women are feminized in sports, especially straight white women, and even more so during this day and age - just look at all the criticism around how the physicality in sports has been b*stardized now.

The hunger for wanting brutality in the NFL has been drained out and replaced with the monition of a penalty, both in literal and moral form.


You better check yourself.

I haven't participated in these stan wars. I've been bystander, watching all this shyt play out. The only times I've really posted about this is commenting on how wild the discourse around the league has become. I'm not here to take sides, mostly because it's corny and I don't really care for it. Don't confuse me with whatever drama you've got yourself caught up in with other posters on this board.

Next time you quote me, address me like you're a grown ass man, and not a hoe.
My g please don’t try to talk tough on the internet. :russ: For whatever reason I didn’t get a notice when you quoted me but I caught this going back in the thread. We are all grown enough to know how stupid this looks without me going into a “in real life” spiel. The “snarky internet gotcha” shyt was cool on message boards when I was 15. But thanks for confirming my point you doofus. I’m basically a higher learning poster - no one would confuse me for engaging in stan wars. You were just being disingenuous as fukk and “above it all” and made the mistake of thinking I’m one of these other stans you can talk your way around - I’m not. The next time you quote me down your pretentious tendencies and keep it under 60 words - no one who types posts as lengthy as your is successful enough in life to catch an attitude with me.

I’m a fukking Michigan alum and watched Clark cook my team in college, I have never disrespected her game and don’t care one way or the other about Reese or anyone else.


The Takeover
Sep 7, 2012
Deuce Dime, TX


Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018

I'll give her the extra 4 points a game(on 3 extra minutes a game mind you kinda weak honestly), but fam we not finna act like this is an impressive leap are we? C'mon fam ain't no reason why her 6'7 ass is getting out rebounded by an undersized 6'3 PF, by a SIGNIFICANT margin at that. This ain't what you think it is.


May 1, 2012
I'll give her the extra 4 points a game(on 3 extra minutes a game mind you kinda weak honestly), but fam we not finna act like this is an impressive leap are we? C'mon fam ain't no reason why her 6'7 ass is getting out rebounded by an undersized 6'3 PF, by a SIGNIFICANT margin at that. This ain't what you think it is.
bruh Angel is a generational rebounder, she's gonna outrebound everybody. and her numbers are fine both pre/post Olympic break, especially since she was coming off of an injury to start this season. 10 & 8 season averages are fine for a rookie big in the league, she's not underachieving especially considering the pg play on that team. you talking like she's a bust/underachiever on some Kalani Brown shyt.
Aug 3, 2012
I'll give her the extra 4 points a game(on 3 extra minutes a game mind you kinda weak honestly), but fam we not finna act like this is an impressive leap are we? C'mon fam ain't no reason why her 6'7 ass is getting out rebounded by an undersized 6'3 PF, by a SIGNIFICANT margin at that. This ain't what you think it is.

Getting out rebounded by the greatest rebounder in WNBA history ain’t really a bad thing


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
bruh Angel is a generational rebounder, she's gonna outrebound everybody. and her numbers are fine both pre/post Olympic break, especially since she was coming off of an injury to start this season. 10 & 8 season averages are fine for a rookie big in the league, she's not underachieving especially considering the pg play on that team. you talking like she's a bust/underachiever on some Kalani Brown shyt.
Getting out rebounded by the greatest rebounder in WNBA history ain’t really a bad thing
The irony is that fellow Rookie Angel Reese has been presented as being this overrated bust, in this thread. And her rebound number and double-double average has been presented as being arbitrary, and unimpressive because she's 6-3. :mjlol:

I'm not saying we shouldn't be patient with Cardoso, but it's just the funny irony.
Aug 3, 2012
The irony is that Reese has been presented as being this overrated bust, in this thread. And her rebound number and double-double average has been presented as being arbitrary, and unimpressive because she's 6-3. :mjlol:

Clark >>> Reese by a gazillion

The hype was warranted, in fact she wasn't hyped enough

Swoops a hater

LV Koopa

Jester from Hell
Nov 18, 2014
The irony is that fellow Rookie Angel Reese has been presented as being this overrated bust, in this thread. And her rebound number and double-double average has been presented as being arbitrary, and unimpressive because she's 6-3. :mjlol:

I'm not saying we shouldn't be patient with Cardoso, but it's just the funny irony.

come on breh. Jonas Valancunias averaged a double double and no one in here was going crazy about it. :mjlol:

Angel Reese is Isaiah Stewart level as her career ceiling.
Apr 30, 2012
It is misleading. You basically took some uncontextualized popular internet stat, and posted it like you dropped some sort of bomb. This "I'm NOT part of ya'lls little stan wars" schtick is stupid, when you're running with the same cherrypicked stats that every other agenda pushing CC fan on the web is running with.
I'm making an observation and expounding on why there is this public reaction. By using "17% of flagrant fouls in the league this season have been committed on her", I'm simply outlining what has happened in numerical form, so YOU can get a better understanding of why folks are reacting like they are because that exact percentage is out in the public forum.

Prior to this exchange with you, I have not posted on this, so yes, miss me with your stan wars bullshyt.

You brought up Charles Barkley reacting, and I broke down exactly why he reacted like that.

You can't expect ole Round Mound of Dumb to contextulize every single layer of this situation. He briefly sees a handful of flagrants committed against Caitlin and he reacted. As every other casual viewer of the WNBA will too, which is now the majority.

The more important point you're missing here is that it the exact number of flagrants committed on her is of little importance, because the more these actions go unchecked and addressed, the more the number will increase where other players will keep pushing the boundaries. Whatever you may deem an overreaction to what's happened, is actually a good thing because now the situation becomes proactive. For the sake of the growth of the league, you don't want players to keep testing Caitlin and then she gets injured. Can you image the beast that will be the agenda from the other side if that happens?

Like the adage goes - better to be safe than sorry.

Ironically, you desperately clutching at straws trying to reduce these actions committed on her is even worse than whatever you feel the other side is doing. And stop pretending like you're any different, you're out here throwing out double double records without any context. You can't point the finger at other folks for behavior you're actually guilty of.
YES, a grand total of 5 flagrant fouls(most of which were committed by one team) is a misleading stat when it's presented as "She receives 17% of all flagrants in the league". It flames the conspiratorial anti-field non-sense that these crazed white fans want so badly to believe about "the field" vs CC.
That's NOT misleading.

Like I reiterated in my previous post, that just furthers the argument that flagrant fouls are an outlier action in the league. Every single piece of data that paints Caitlin in a certain light to her fanbase will be used in their agenda, so what the fukk is it you're saying?

You think that if the punchline was instead "5 flagrant fouls have been committed on her", when that's still 5x* the amount than any other player, still wouldn't be used by her fanbase? You think if they didn't use numbers, at all, but put DeShields' and Carter's shoves on loop, would be any different? You don't think that they'll manipulate anything they possibly can for their cause?
^^^NO shyt! That's the heart of the bulk of this discourse
Yeah, no shyt, nxgga, I've been breaking down what's happening.

Meanwhile, you're out at here crashing out, arguing minutiae about the difference between 17% vs. 5; making up bullshyt of how Angel's battling for rebounds with her undersized self, comparing her to Steph Curry's size when she's considerably taller than the average WNBA player, and Steph is considerably shorter than the average NBA player; trying to get cats to stand on the death hill with you waving about your "Angel Reese is Thaddeus Young!" signs.
This isn't the same as MJ, because there weren't crazed fans looking for conspiratorial angles as to why Jordan wasn't winning in the 80s. He didn't have the pride of middle-America or a race of people rooting for him against the field. He got tougher and the 80s faded away, and his day came. The growth of the jordan craze was based(even if NBC and Stern were part of making it happen) were NOT based on the same reasoning as CC.
It's the same thing as MJ, in that respect that, fandom will be used as a vessel for folks to act out their innate behavior.

I was merely explaining to that other poster who said "How you dare you be aggressive towards her, not kiss her ass or act like she is God’s gift", that where there's extremism around a transcedent star in a sport, that folks will want the rest of the world to appreciate how they see them. The bigger the star the more folks will be pointing for you to look.

As I said, even 20 years after the fact, if you don't speak about MJ as this perfect being without any flaws, you're in trouble. Funny you should bring up conspiracies, because when it was recently brought to light that MJ got accredited fake defensive stats when he won DPOY, you had Jordan Jihadists claiming it was some grand conspiracy by Klutch and haters alike to tear him down.

And yes, MJ stans did spam conspiracy theories when he wasn't winning in the late-80s. They were convinced that the league was letting him get bullied by the Pistons when he couldn't get past them in '89 and '90. Dig this - the Bulls even submitted footage to the NBA on how rough the Pistons were on him.

When they finally beat the Pistons, MJ and Phil even made public statements on cleaning up the image of the NBA. That is was no place for hurting players anymore.

And here we are 30 years later talking about the 'rough' treatment of another superstar. Funny how the more things change, the more they stay the same.

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