This definitely shows the difference in how the genders handle things around here.....
Men - I want to talk about black issues. A lot. I want an audience but no trolling.
Staff - Try the Root.
Men - No way.

That's another Race Track.
Staff - Give it a chance.
@kp404 and
@Theraflu will make it work.
Men - Aight.
*The Root is a runaway success*
Women on the other hand
Females - It's too much misogyny and bashing here. We don't feel welcomed. Our opinions and issues don't matter. We can't discuss female issues without trolling.
Staff - Here's the Salon complete with two female mods and a strict no troll policy.
Females - We don't want to post there. We want to post in TLR.
Staff - You said you don't like it there.
Females - We don't.
Staff - So here's a forum catered to your needs.
Females - No we WANT to post in TLR.
Staff - But the misogyny and bashing....
Females - Yes. We hate it. It's full of lames.
Staff - So post in the Salon.
Females - We want to post in TLR!
Females - Fine
*Few weeks later*
Females - The Salon is GREAT and way better than the bytch made cesspool that is TLR.

We're still going to post there anyway though.