They weren't God jewels and he knew it (they were khazars and sephardic jews)God didn't choose anyone and that book is nothing but lies. Those ancient men werent talking to nothing but their own internal minds. Who in their right mind trusts what any human being said, just because they wrote they talked to a god doesnt mean they actually did.
we have technology now and we have yet to actually catch a single murmur from any non-physical beings. but oh he chose to appear when men wore sandals and used the sky as a compass. stop.
Plus God chose the Hebrews (Abraham descendants)because Historically, it goes back to Abraham. Abraham lived in a world steeped in idolatry, which he concluded was contradicted by the reality of design in nature.
So Abraham came to a belief in God, and took upon himself the mission of teaching others of the monotheistic ideal. Abraham was even willing to suffer persecution for his beliefs. After years of enormous effort, dedication and a willingness to accept the responsibility to be God's representative in this world, God chose Abraham and his descendents to be the teachers of this monotheistic message.
In other words it is not so much that God chose the Jews; it is more accurate that the Jews (through Abraham) chose God.
Choseness was not part of God's "original plan." Initially all of humanity was to serve the role of God's messengers, but after the fall of Adam, humanity lost that privilege, and it was open for grabs. Only Abraham chose to take the mantel. If others would have (and they were offered the choice), they too would have joined in this special covenant which was sealed upon the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.
Even then the Hebrews were a real and historical people that migrated to Western Africa after getting attack by the Romana in 70ad
If you don't believe then don't