Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Another Man

Trappin w/ Benzino
May 1, 2012
Red Roof Inn
7% of white men marry out, compared to 25% of black men. :mjlol:

That is absolutely pathetic and speaks volumes.

EDIT: Even reading through this thread you can see why that statistic is high. But but, "why do you care", "you sound like a female", "love has no color".

Stay loyal brehettes. :francis:
So we're gonna act like racial population numbers aren't a factor with that? :comeon: Of course white men are at seven percent, whites are 70+ percent of the population. Did you totally ignore the Native American figures? :sas2:. Even then these are estimates, but still don't prove shyt as far as preference/bias.


Aug 16, 2014
Maybe...maybe not, but I'm willing to take that risk to get away from what I've seen and dealt with my whole life. And don't get me wrong, I know It's not all black women, but a lot of yall are just fukkin ridiculous

Well try raising children alone for the last 5 decades. Try listening to popular music calling you a bytch and a ho. Try being told that women from other races are prettier cleaner and better than you. Try living in the ghettos dodging strays living in public housing and having to beg hostile foreign men for survival. Try being a fuvking black women if you want to know ridiculous.


Respectful Fade Runner & Card Puller
Jan 25, 2015
dude is from upstate new york, of course he has a PAWG :mjlol:


Aug 29, 2013
I remember him from Comic View back when BET was good in the 90s.

He had his moments. Funny dude.

Turns out he's been married to a black woman since 2003.


Does Owen get a pass or is she a wench?



Jun 8, 2012
You can't really judge @Juicy 's mom on how she reacted nor the advice she gave her daughter based off what happened. Men have killed women and vice versa over infedelity and that is the ultimate betrayal of trust. A woman can choose to forgive or not to forgive, that's her right. People are easily able to mask their faults one way or another
you're missing my point. people are able to mask their faults for a TIME. but you pay enough attention to detail while dating someone and you will see their faults. You know how you know this? after you get married to these folks or in a serious relationship with them you then see their faults correct? correct.
then you think to self why didnt i see this before? then you start to remember certain little but still instances that they showed who they really were.

aint non of us sin free. lets state that off top. so i'm talking about ALL OF US. not just some shady dude that cheats. everyone has quirks and things that others may not like about us. thats why you have to sacrifice so much. its two different people. that were raised differently then you by a different set of parents. yall grew up seeing life differently. even if you grew up in the same area. you are still seeing things thru your own eyes. but with that said. everyone shows you WHO THEY ARE in time. you have to be willing to pay attention to detail and not get sucked in after yall have sex a couple of times or after he/she treats you differently then you've been treated before. these things usually can cloud people's vision. it doesnt mean the person didnt exhibit some form of bad behavior before. it means you were not paying attention because you were too caught up in the other stuff. and hay maybe you had a lot on your own plate at the time while dating. even if that were the case. dont marry no one you dont know well enough.

now are their situations where people grow and one person starts to change a bit? sure. could that be what happened? pops just flipped the scrip? to a degree yes. but at the bottom line. we always are pretty much who were always were. we dont change as much as you would like to think we do. The bottom line to us when we were around 16 or so. is pretty much what it still is.

remember. i said cheating aint about having sex with someone else. thats the result of something else. you need to find the CAUSE. and it doesnt have anything to do with what the other spouse did or didnt do. its inside the person who cheated.

So ole girl says "my husband didnt show me affection, so i got it some where else."
so the bottom line is, if what she said about her husband is true. she desires affection so much so she's willing to get it from ANYWHERE, even someone that isnt her husband. thats a character flaw.

that showed him during dating.

so, ole boy says " my wife is always being stingy with the kitty cat."
lets assume thats true. So he cheated. some would swear well thats her fault. well we can talk about her later. but the person who cheated is at the most fault. always will be . So now we know ole boy has to get him some tail Or else, he'll go outside his marriage to get some. now i can see a situation where a woman didnt see this early on because she was having sex with her Boo so often when they were younger. she never had to deal with this scenario. but i guarantee he showed you a since of selfishness and how he reacts to not having something he reallllly wants. thats the bottom line. it aint about cheating. its about what lies underneath the cheaters mindset. we can all cheat. that aint hard. why dont the rest of us dip out like that? whats so different? is everyone happy in their situatoin 24//7 of course not. ask any old heads that have been married for 30+ years. they will tell you "there have been good times////and bad times. but we made it thru"

you dont say words like "made it thru" in a happy all the time situation. that sounds like WORK, HARD WORK, EFFORT, SACRIFICE.

ole girl that dipped on her husband above aint willing to do the work. yeah, your husband is a piece of work if he doesnt know how to show you affection. but guess what? You chose this affectionless dude. so deal with it. woman up and put that work him to get him some mental help, counseling etc. sure it wont be easy. but who told you marriage would be? who lied and said that?

same goes for ole boy. how do you know you wife doesnt have some real medical condition she doesnt even know about? some sort of hormone imbalance making her desire sex less? you wont know cause you're too busy being mad at her for not giving you what YOU want. sounds like selfish to me. when you signed up it was for better/worse, sickness/and health. not better for better, health to health.


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
Let's be reality, unless you are making more than six figures, most divorces usually end with child support, if children are involved. If both couples are making around the same, it's usually settled out of court.
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