Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Some white dude cuffed

Chicks like her get passed over for the thick BBW types or the lira glora

Skinny ass broads like that by rule.
Always be sell out types though and have physical issues with the black community.
they need to settle their anxiety and issues with.
Instead of selling out and never gaining knowledge of self.
Which is where her ridicule, she proves the contingent of black people telling her she has no soul, right.
When, she vehemently sell us out to bed wench.
Just know to recognize your generalized types of black women and the bullshyt they come with.
As a matter of fact we have less types of black women available than before the crack Gen, too.
Our real brickhouses are actually gone and our regal sister types are extinct after the year 1995.
The grown adult looking black women from their high school years in the early nineties does not exist anymore.
So, you just have to learn what generalization types of black American women are out there.
Plus, the generalizations attitude wise they fit into..
Keep approaching and learning my nikkaz.

Art Barr

Sees this type,...knows it is a skinnie Minnie sellout type off top.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
Skinny ass broads like that by rule.
Always be sell out tuoes though and have physical issues with the blakc community they need to settle their anxiety and issues with.
Instead of selling out and never gaining knowledge of self.
Which is where her ridicule, she proves the contingent of black people telling her she has no soul, right.
When, she vehemently sell us out to bed wench.
Just know to recognize your types of black women and the bullshyt they come with.
As a matter of fact we have less types of black women available than before the crack Gen, too.
Out real brickhouses are actually gone and our regal sister types are extinct after the year 1995.
The grown adult looking black women from their high school years in the early nineties does not exist anymore.
So, you just have to learn what generalization types of black American women are out there.
Plus, the generalizations attitude wise they fit into..
Keep approaching and learning my nikkaz.

Art Barr

Sees this type,...knows it is a skinnie Minnie sellout type off top.
What about the ones that purposely lose weight so they can attract other race of men?

Shed light on that

Larry Lambo

Sep 5, 2015
I can't speak to what happens when they date white (though generally our biggest sisters definitely aren't the ones swirling like that), but this kinda chick I imagine has
high value to any breh. Iunno bout other dudes, but shes pretty as hell and seems to be light-hearted enough. Her body is a huge bonus. Its them

:scust: "not enough ass" chubby chasers that can't appreciate a chick who doesn't let gravity and age win. Thats on them, though. If white dudes choosing slim sistas, good on them.
They are, in a lot of ways, top of the heap. Slim sistas STILL have curves better than most. Throw in gym time? Can't lose :banderas:

She's high value to me now, because I'm 5'8 and make less than $100K. If I was 6'4", dieseled up, and pushed a M4, she'd be average because I'd be knocking down the chicks in the slim phatty thread.

However, a lof of white dudes with the same status would be all about wifing her. So instead of "settling" for just above average brothers, some of these chicks just go for top tier white dudes. They are just maxing out their potential.


Taxi Squad
Mar 27, 2014
Another merge by the gawd @Always-Right Liggins :blessed:

yeah, i really like the way this thread is cooking
shows which posters are merely race/gender baiters
shyt, some people got 15%+ of their lifetime posts in this thread

but it makes me wonder..what other topics can be merged up??
  • pm-inbox simp exposals, cross ref'd by perpetrator and victim usernames
  • why did so and so get banned??
  • this site has really changed for the worse, brehs
  • i'm leaving
  • i'm back (maybe merge this with the "i'm leaving' megamix)
  • ...??

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
What about the ones that purposely lose weight so they can attract other race of men?

Shed light on that

Same type as this.
Any chick who is against grandma's mantra of put some meat on ya bones.
is on that slippery slope and you might as well say.
Is gonna be a non-virtuous black sellout female in general.
Black women in America not supposed to be no got damn waif.
So, off top this type is on bullshyt.
That they seek alternative life choices from music to clothes to weight class.
Then, like clockwork dismiss anyway to possibly gain weight, and it could be fact based.
After Tyra banks to Buffy, no black female should be having body type issues.
Especially, since black females are leaders in online surfing and like to use the net.
So, when you get a chick like this who a skinnie Minnie.
Especially, in this day and age.
Who will not become a fitness YouTube noob to build up an ass, she wants.
Yet, instead just goes white.
You already know she subscribes to the defeatist attitude of a sellout.
All because and I know this type.
They are book prodigy nerd smart and if they are resistant to building themselves up.
Either physically, by study or knowledge of self,...
You already know.

Art Barr

This shyt never changes from the generalization, too.
Black people need to realize, white people made this shyt so narcissistically cerebral. They have types they made who are always gonna be that type.
Plus, how to recognize and get access to them a number of ways.
From the physical, admin, social, class, caste, economic, stratums, etc.
They know who we are, a number of ways.

The thing is you need to create a knowledge of self, you.
Of which these types of women don't do.
Plus, they have the flipside to this.
the fake neo soul thick won't take care of herself black sellout bedwench, too.

So, it is all types of sellout black chicks and you need to know.
how to recognize them and plus what sectors they would be in.
To not get played and know what time it is.

Art Barr

Is at underground rhymesayers rap show.
Peeps and sees attractive waif token black female, or overweight cool neo soul erykah sabu chick.
with some type of hip hop attire on surrounded by non-black friends.

You already know what it is
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