No white man has ever called me a bedwenchelaborate and don't mean revision about how blackmen are more abusive to blackwomen than your white daddy![]()

No white man has ever called me a bedwenchelaborate and don't mean revision about how blackmen are more abusive to blackwomen than your white daddy![]()
Resort to blatant lies brehs.
All of a sudden you don't go beating your chest around here (about another race of men's accomplishments too, sadly enough) about how men are the only ones who build? About how women are incapable of building, yay patriarchy, etc.?
I'm not going to let you derail this thread though. I want to see more illogical arguments, please?![]()
it really boils down to these idiots believing manhood/leadership is natural from childbirth.
If he's traveling from state to state doing this, he must be having tremendous success getting his little fetish kicks off.
nikka that chick ain't impregnate herself
No white man has ever called me a bedwench![]()
Well come down on men harder, because these excuses for men turning a blind eye to or excuse the absence of the dad that has been going on is pretty damn counter productive. Obviously shaming women isn't doing shy to help... So what is this to you a damn pissing contest? How about this, stop making excuses for these cowards by blaming women who are in their child's lives and do more to instill man hood in this community because judging by these posts you and a lot of dudes have done just the have been getting slammed for decades for fatherless children, it doesn't really seem to be helping does it?
not once has there been a movement to have women stop letting dusty nikkas nut in them multiple times. in fact it's almost been the opposite with this free body, slut shaming bullshyt.
Im not Idris elba but something's not right here![]()
A man should be conscious of his decision to protect himself before any sexual intercourse. Men don't need to wait on a woman's to tell them to wear a condom. Also, with today advanced medicine, vasectomy is an option to chose to prevent pregnancy or buy his sexual partner plan pill if a nikka wants to go raw. There are too many solution for a man to pick to avoid a birth of unwanted child.yeah, i'm not saying practice celibacy. hell, if y'all wanna fukk these dudes, go for it. but why not make them wear protection? why not take the 72 hr pill? why not get on birth control? y'all have every opportunity in the world to prevent yourselves from becoming single mothers.
lies? i've constantly stated male leadership is not an intrinsic quality, and you cant find 1 post proving otherwise. infact, here's a post from 2012:
Im telling you i already see the signs.
The only group of people who is going to experience the "crash," in my opinion is black men.You really think things are going to remain the same by black men constantly putting black women down,belittling them,demeaning them,not supporting them, & placing women of other races over them,etc?The only group who is making their bed right now before they lie in it is black men.The "crash," of the black man is naturally going to occur while black women continue to wake up.
Lol....i am telling you but BM dont care what BW BS. They dont care as long as they have the "upperhand".
Black women can date out as law permits, just know that they are doing so with fetishists, racists and losers from races who think them lowly and inferior. Why engage in such embarassing behavior and sooth the ego of anti-black supremacists whom hate you? No matter what you say, that's condemn-able and rightfully shameful. Your "shaming" label is just a way to dismiss logic you don't like.
The evidence bears this out, and in light of this woman's tragedy as well as other's (bedwenches stay losing), all you do is try to conceive ways to excuse, obfuscate or downplay the truth. You are truly benighted and ignorant. Domestic violence rates for black women are irrelevant because crime which people commit to themselves out of simple living together is different to hate crimes. Domestic violence also happens everywhere, and is higher in many non-black countries than is in the US. Domestic violence is neither here nor there when it comes to whether black women should subject themselves to racists. Accordingly domestic violence in Israel is irrelevant to whether Jewish women should subject themselves to Nazis.
You're a bedwench so no matter how many arguments are put forth, you'll brush them aside and say whatever you want. But I digress I already explained this point earlier. Domestic violence and normal violence which men commit against other black men is neither the same nor any justification for black men or women to subject themselves to being the willing serfs to races of men who think you inferior and lowly. It's like going from an imperfect marriage with an arguing husband to a marriage with a slaver. "B-b-buh he hit and yelled at me!"
It's a loss to our pride and dignity as black people like a Jewish woman tattooing a swastika to his forehead and sucking Nazi toes is a loss to Jewish men.
And so do an equal opportinity. Any man has to provw himself to me no more no less.They would call you worse behind your back