Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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African American Queen
Jul 16, 2013
Locker room
Learn to read you dikkhead. After conception you are solely responsible for whether the child is born or not so that makes you solely responsible. You have up to what 18 weeks to abort? Yea fukk your excuses my dude :camby:

your body, your rights, your responsibility. you could have made him wear protection, take the 72hr pill, get an abortion, or adoption. the ball is 100% in your court

if you make a child its your responsibility to raise it. What yall are saying don't fly in court.


Aug 6, 2015
Because the stats are bull, as a former social services case worker I can tell you that stats about single parent homes only tell you that the parents don't live together. You have to assume that the father doesn't provide for the child or otherwise meet the childs needs. Peolpe make this assumption because the father in question is black.

Many young people dont have money for lawyers, so they make informal arrangements that the women dont report when they come to social serves.
Anything the live in father boyfriend or husband earns is counted against her bebifits. In order to avoid a reduction in her benefits they will shack up without getting married or simply lie about living alone.

Some states require the mother to have a formal action for child support against the father. when they hear this they will withdraw their application for welfare because they are already getting money under the table from the father and don't wish to take him to court.

I could tell you many stories. With all that said based on my experience, immigrants from the Middle East North Africa and Asia are the ones cheating the system the most Not single mothers or Hispanics


Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
your body, your rights, your responsibility. you could have made him wear protection, take the 72hr pill, get an abortion, or adoption or you could choose to carry the pregnancy out to term and keep and raise your child . the ball is 100% in your court

i do agree that women have the ultimate choice as far as whether a pregnancy continues or not. I believe ideally children should be raised with the presence of both of their their biological parents.
as much as women have a right to continue or not continue a pregnancy.
men have a right to walk away.

i dont believe either parent has a right to not contribute financially to their childs upbringing.
walk away if ya want. just make sure that check gets to CSE.

neither men nor women should be fukking unprotected with someone whom they cant see themselves tied to for the next 18 years minimum.
fukk all ya want. but dont act like you dont know where babies come from.
if you end up with stretch marks and less free time or you end up with 17% minimum of your gross pay gone before you see it you really dont have any right to complain.:yeshrug:


I Pitty Da Fool
Aug 12, 2013
Just like when a female knows Dayshawn aint really da bess fit for being a parent but his stroke game is mean as hell. :mjpls:




God forgives, you are forgiven.
Aug 19, 2014
Bay area
Woman pregnant by a deadbeat : " this baby is a blessing i won't get rid of it. If he doesn't want to be in the child's life then that's his problem. I don't need a man"


If men had that buffer period between a baby being born and getting rid of it,90% of kids would be rid of.


OG Moma Coli....dat bytch Thowd!!!
Sep 7, 2012
:what:you would think such a traumatic experience would turn one off but that's just me:comeon:so this is your type:mjpls:
i said fascinated not attracted, with the arab ginger i couldnt wrap my head around the fact that he was a real ginger and arab at the same time like how could that happen. uve never been fascinated by something and then when u see it later on down the line it makes u think of that thing ur fascinated in??? well u know what i did say i had a thing for gingers maybe i used the wrong word cuz its nothing sexual about it , it just makes me think to the summers in the country with my childhood bff. just like light skinned men remind me of getting robbed by one in high school.


Levels on levels on levels ahead
Jul 27, 2015
A whore trades sexual acts for currency. Of course I don't have to tell you that. A hoe just gives it out. The work involved is a "hi, how you doing" then they have
access to your naughty parts.

Of course a man can be a hoe, I have been saying this from jump , and the quote you posted didn't say "he" or "she" for that reason. If there is one thing I can't stand, its a dude fukking anything and everything and having the nerve
to cast stones. Yes, sex is easier to get for women, but the best girls aren't easy to get to anyway. They have options and aspirations, and keep it warm till someone
is more useful to them than as a drill for the night. Same for dudes. If he was willing to fukk anything and everything, why should a woman be impressed when he comes
to her? Second things go awry, he might be out breathing down Simone's neck.

Please, girl, if you are gonna quote me, at least don't change the scope. :comeon: In the past few days I have explained this one to you specifically. If you

want to uphold the virtues of being able to fukk around, thats fine with me. Life is about variety, and sexual partners are no different. However...

1. Sex is biologically necessary to continue the species(debateable, due to technology). Fact. Breathing is necessary to live. Heart rate can indicate a condition, blood pressure, and a host
of other things necessary to live. A person can live and die a virgin. It isn't necessary to personal survival, though it is an aspect of social growth that people use to keep sane.

2. Numbers don't matter. What does matter, though, is taking patterned behavior and avoiding those who exhibit it if from my perception, someone exhibits something I am personally
against (not to the point of shaming, I simply don't rock with it), or because past experience has let me know that with X behavior comes Y personas.

Someone sexually uninhibited is likely to be more impulsive and exploratory, which can be great for one man and woman, but not the next. Also, someone who is promiscuous might
need more frequent sexual stimulation than is necessary for me. We can be diametrically opposed and won't know it until we get together and I like it slow, sensual, and twice a week,
and you are more a 5x, wanna try a new position every time type of person. No, this can not be known by bodycount, YES, your sexual demands, kinks, etc might be outside of my
realm of comfort.

3. Of course I attach the value of the woman to how she goes about her social life. I have a dreadfully low body count. The difference? The partners I did have, save for one, I cared about
VERY deeply, and we had sex after a ton of boxes were checked. I don't need sex so bad that "anyone" will do. I don't have a dozen people I call "friends". I have 3 Day-1 people I will
never let go of. One of my principles is to keep the circle small and Ride-or-Die and not share with anyone and everyone. There is nothing special about me, no mystery, no wonder
if any girl I am attracted to physically would be able to have sex with me at the drop of a hat. Do I want to hold her after? Do I want to speak with her? Would she be down to shower up
and then shoot a game of Soul Caliber with me?

If she doesn't do things outside of make my penis move, I am not interested, because I value much more. I don't care what *other* women do, but I do care about the ones I am around
and what they are into. I would prefer, against all odds, that she isn't an easy safe to crack. No, this doesn't make her better than anyone else, but suppose we had time apart for
2 months for whatever reason :A hoe might be willing to entertain men in my absence, the other girl is going to think about me, and I her. I wouldn't ask that kinda loyalty from a hoe, therefore,
I wouldn't be with someone I knew to be one. Shes about her empowerment, and might say "It's my body, and I do what I want." If what she wants isn't me alone, she ain't my type. Temptation
is fine, actions? Nope.

So in conclusion, I understand, if you are promiscuous, of course you feel strongly about this. Just like nerds being turned down forever(me) will feel some way about nerds being shytted on,
or fat people getting accosted by ruthless folks, etc etc. What you do sexually does not degrade you as a *person*, but as a partner, there are a lot of boxes to check, and yes, this is one
that hurts the points of any woman I would want to be with. No, im not going to shame her, but she can get with someone else who didn't mind fukking people today who won't be around

I'm actually not promiscuous because I'm kinky :mjlol: but im a very strong thot apologist and advocate for hoes rights and respect. And stand by all my comments 100% however, I do feel your views tho, you know, you're entitled to them...we just think differently. I think youre more serious relationship oriented than I am. But you makengood points. Please lookout for vice queens alerts :dame: we may need you


May 2, 2012
why is it so hard for a man to be responsible is the real question...
because yall reward irresponsible nikkas, its not complicated. if a dude already has children he isnt caring for, why do you think you'll be any different? if a dude doesnt even like you, and has never exhibited the desire to provide for you or children, why are you letting him ejaculate inside you?
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