It's true.
Online dating experiment showed, non white men are not preferred by women.
.All races of women preferred white men, expect Black Women.
Black men only beat-out, Asian men when it came to reply's, and Asian Dude's have the education and money to get girls to overlook things, so I'd say, black men are at the bottom of the totem pole.
High-End Nightclubs won't allow black guys into their establishments, cause the women don't want, black guys hitting on them.
It's also know escorts, women who fukk for a living, often won't see black clients, even the black one's, don't believe me, just go to backpages or adultwork.
Just putting it out there, you look silly shytting on your own women, when other women don't even want you.
My girl is black, she flat-out told me she doesn't date black men.