Sounds good too, that is all that matters.Pusha sent a tweet out a few days ago that his music is to be enjoyed like watching a mob movie. It's not real it's just entertainment.
Sounds good too, that is all that matters.Pusha sent a tweet out a few days ago that his music is to be enjoyed like watching a mob movie. It's not real it's just entertainment.
Scorsese of rap![]()
I’m in my early 30s.OP is like 45 years old and still doing a troll gay gimmick...![]()
Makes the same content over and over and over again
If I showed you 5 min of a Scorsese movie you wouldn't be able to tell if it was casino, goodfellas, the departed, the irishman, or the family
If I played one pusha t song you wouldn't be able to tell of it was off of my name is my name, king push, or daytona![]()
Probably because those same people are now Juicy J’s age and have realized being in your late 30’s/40 doesn’t ≠ retirement home status and you still want to have a good time and party and bullshyt…just you know be done early enough to get in bed at a reasonable hour.I remember 4 or 5 years ago when Juicy J was the same age Future is right now and The Booth was clowning Juicy for being old and rapping about popping pills and sipping lean.
Future's old ass is about to drop a tape talking about the same shyt and The Booth is like...
That's another reason why The Booth has fallen off a cliff and died.
Hip-hop is a large reason why black men are largely viewed as child-like by society.
Just look at what the majority of rap music is about and then look at some of these older rappers and how they carry themselves:
Rap music keeps it's listeners and the image of the black man in a perpetual state of adolescence. Rap music is a large reason the WORLD looks at black men as the least responsible, least likely to be husband/ good father material, etc.
I disagree with people who say "if you grow out of hip-hop, you were never hip-hop in the first place".
That couldn't be more untrue. I'm 38 now and I've been obsessed with rap since I was 10 but now as I've grown as a person , more specifically a black man, I just can't sit and digest the majority of content in rap. Rap music is probably like 10% if my listening now.
I like Pusha for his lyricism / pen game but his content and most content in rap period doesn't sit right with my spirit any longer.
But am I a hypocrite tho? Because if Pusha was to switch up his style and go the Nelly route for example, I would be the first one to laugh, point my fingers at him and say "nah bruh, this ain't it. Go back to ya old style"![]()
should probably take a look at real life before thinking its because of rap.
Rap is a reflection of our acceptance of and the dominance of hood culture within the AA community.
That white boy is not taken as seriously as a black man because guess who the majority of robbers in pretty much every American city are?
Before you neg or come at me sideways you can look up the numbers yourself
Black people were getting lynched by mobs of angry white people in this country way before rap music existed. African soccer players don't get called "monkeys" by Eurocacs because of rap.
That hatred & fear of Black men has always been there, if rap ends hateful people will latch on to some other reason to be hateful. If I denounce rap will airports stop searching through my checked luggage? I never made it so I don't put my rap name on my luggage, it's my regular birth name but they search it regardless.
I know brothers who have taught at MIT & Harvard so realistically my perspective could never be like yours. Brothers that listened to rap growing up and don't feel like they need to prove themselves to their colleagues that don't look like them.
You need to work on how people perceive YOU and possibly try to build connections to more productive people. Feeling like you need to apologize for folks you have no influence over will just keep you confused, depressed. & isolated. There are no white people keeping score of your life. There's nothing wrong with taking negative imagery/content in rap music to task but that imagery doesn't effect my day to day life.
You want image problems, try being a dark skinned Indian dude or a Teletubby shaped Mexican kid. Your Black ass might not even get a medal in the woe is me image olympics.
You get it.theres no other music thats pushed as a school to jail pipeline like rap music, you're not wrong as ive got older I look at it differntly too