Sounds to me like you don't understand the importance of "image". Seems like black men are the only group who doesn't care about their collective image as a group.
No other group of men are constantly having their image demonized and criminalized to the world like the black man. If you are a black man yourself, you should know this.
The black man's image has been reduced to gangbangers, thugs and drugdealers. That's damn near the DEFAULT SETTING of a black man in this society.
Your post suggests that I care about what others think. I don't. I barely interact with "other's" period. But that's my point .....I have a bigger picture. I think about us as a collective and I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE our collective image.
Sad that I seem to be in the minority.
These whiteboys and Asians who listen to rap don't have the same image problems as the average young black male.
I want you to take a look at this video:
It's a whiteboy prank video of him fukking with people at an ATM.
If a black male did this same prank the cops would be called or he would even be killed due to paranoia by the person he's doing the prank on. The whiteboy can get away with doing pranks like this because he's not viewed by society as a "savage".
Rap music has destroyed our collective image. Crazy that we as black people don't see this.
Black people were getting lynched by mobs of angry white people in this country way before rap music existed. African soccer players don't get called "monkeys" by Eurocacs because of rap.
That hatred & fear of Black men has always been there, if rap ends hateful people will latch on to some other reason to be hateful. If I denounce rap will airports stop searching through my checked luggage? I never made it so I don't put my rap name on my luggage, it's my regular birth name but they search it regardless.
I know brothers who have taught at MIT & Harvard so realistically my perspective could never be like yours. Brothers that listened to rap growing up and don't feel like they need to prove themselves to their colleagues that don't look like them.
You need to work on how people perceive YOU and possibly try to build connections to more productive people. Feeling like you need to apologize for folks you have no influence over will just keep you confused, depressed. & isolated. There are no white people keeping score of your life. There's nothing wrong with taking negative imagery/content in rap music to task but that imagery doesn't effect my day to day life.
You want image problems, try being a dark skinned Indian dude or a Teletubby shaped Mexican kid. Your Black ass might not even get a medal in the woe is me image olympics.