So if you don’t believe in him will you get to Heaven/Paradise?
Those who don't repent and aren't taken at the first coming will receive a second chance, but by that time the world will be ruled by satan/antichrist without the presence of the Holy Spirit that is, a living hell.
Well, maybe God should have created us without sin?
How are you gonna be born in sin? I’m not Adam or Eve? Why does god punish humanity in its entirety for the actions of the first two (that he created)? How is that just? Should you go to jail if your great-great-great grandmother robbed someone? No, it’s unjust to the point of being silly.
God wanted to make us His image and likeness, gave us the free will of wisdom about what was right and wrong just like the angels. It would be very easy for Him to create perfect beings but then it would take away the whole purpose of creation because we would be mere puppets in His hands.
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