Why would a God desire to be praised/believed?


God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR
So if you don’t believe in him will you get to Heaven/Paradise?

Those who don't repent and aren't taken at the first coming will receive a second chance, but by that time the world will be ruled by satan/antichrist without the presence of the Holy Spirit that is, a living hell.

Well, maybe God should have created us without sin?

How are you gonna be born in sin? I’m not Adam or Eve? Why does god punish humanity in its entirety for the actions of the first two (that he created)? How is that just? Should you go to jail if your great-great-great grandmother robbed someone? No, it’s unjust to the point of being silly.

God wanted to make us His image and likeness, gave us the free will of wisdom about what was right and wrong just like the angels. It would be very easy for Him to create perfect beings but then it would take away the whole purpose of creation because we would be mere puppets in His hands.
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Mensch Fontana

Jul 13, 2012
The most powerful being desiring the praise of its creations? Desiring to be believed in…To desire praise/belief is such a human trait.

Just seems like the height of human hubris…creating a God and assigning it human qualities.

Why would an all-powerful God desire…anything?

You got to ask yourself that God

Westbama Heartthrob

Irregular Zero
Aug 23, 2019
7th District
Those who don't repent and aren't taken at the first coming will receive a second chance, but by that time the world will be ruled by satan/antichrist without the presence of the Holy Spirit that is, a living hell.

God wanted to make us His image and likeness, gave us the free will of wisdom about what was right and wrong just like the angels. It would be very easy for him to create perfect beings but then it would take away the whole purpose of creation because we would be mere puppets in the hands of the Creator.
Why did God make himself perfect then? :jbhmm:

Seems kinda weird he didn't have to jump through all these hoops

Sounds like he's afraid of competition to me :yeshrug:


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
God is looking for a relationship, though belief and faith do work. Why is He looking for a relationship? Because he lives inside of you. You are Him and He is you. The deeper you go into Him, the deeper you are getting to know your truest nature.

Because there's: The One/Source, there's God, there's God's, and there are gods.

Most people are unaware tho.
This is a very Gnostic answer.

Barcelona is in some serious trouble. They’re financially “broke”, restricted in spending for numerous reasons, don’t have stranglehold of world football talent, they lack speed and power which is tremendously important in modern football, their academy doesn’t produce world class talent nor is their doping program good as it used to be.

Seeing how Coman effortlessly went pass two players; is the new reality for Barcelona. Dembele is their only player in their squad that can do that and he is injury prone. Once he leaves; they don’t have anyone who can do that nor have the funds or star attracting power anymore.

Unless there is a La Liga resurgence in finance or they stumble upon another golden era, they are the next AC Milan.

Couldn't have to a nicer club,

"Wherever the Buddha went, he won the hearts of the people because he dealt with their true feelings. He advised them not to accept his words on blind faith, but to decide for themselves whether his teachings are right or wrong, then follow them. He encouraged everyone to have compassion for each other and develop their own virtue: "You should do your own work, for I can teach only the way.""

I think they called Buddha the open handed teacher :banderas:
My dawg really hit the nail on the head and yall just don't know. The source is infinite, thoughtless, nothing and everything. Then there's the HNIC God who some call Allah, Jehova, Olofi, Nzambi, Amun Ra, Odin etc. Then there's lesser God energies that most would call angels or orishas or jinn or aesir and finally there are "daemons" which in the original Greek sense of the word means "nature spirit" or wild spirit. And then you got the human and animal spirits that don't transcend anywhere.

Humans have never been able to connect to the source, the only religion that gets "close" to the source is Zen Buddhism or maybe Jainism, everybody else is communicating with instructions from one of the other beings.

Or you could just be an atheist and neg this whole post :manny:
I would have said Mahayana Buddhism but Zen applies too. I agree that Buddhism is the religion closest to a direct experience with God in His realm. I do not believe that we magically get to meet God when we die and go to heaven.


2018 Coli Rookie of the Year
Mar 30, 2018
Praise...no not necessarily is it desired.
Belief...yes absolutely it is desired.

God created human beings out of love. He sacrificed Himself for that love and did not spare Himself pain in the process so belief in who He is and how much He has sacrificed for us is a must.

After fully understanding and believing in who God is and God's immense love for us (i.e. only someone who loves/cares for you would submit ahead of time to dying painfully on a cross for 3-6 hours) then you WANT to praise Him for that.

This is just my opinion as a Christian respectfully. I am much more a spiritual person than a religious one so it is my spiritual relationship with God and witnessing Him bringing me through various things (losing my parent at a young age/losing my sibling/suicide of a close friend/homelessness/health issues etcetera) that I can say God is real and I encourage you all to try Him and believe in Him for yourself. No harm in trying. God is real, His sacrifice was real and His love for you is real. He does want you to believe in Him but it is not required that you praise Him because if that was all He wanted then He could easily just create robots to do that all day long but instead God gave us free will to CHOOSE him or to reject him.

Above all God desires for us to have a close relationship with Him because He loves us. Relationship is key not religion. And God also wants us to see our existence in the context of eternal life as opposed to just this short earthly one.


see what's what never made sense to me cause I've always heard 3 different stories

First I heard that we were cursed with Original Sin from the moment adam and eve left the garden of eden.

But I heard that Jesus died on the cross to cleanse people's sins (even the ones that died.)...but I thought god eradicated orginal sin when he flooded the earth?

so did he send Jesus on a dummy mission? what's the real story?


2018 Coli Rookie of the Year
Mar 30, 2018
For me, it's the opposite. It's God saying "Let me show you how much I want to praise YOU as my child. I praise you so much that I chose you before you were even born. I love you so much I want a close relationship with you every day and I want to help you and bless you every day. I praise and love you so much I want you to be with me for eternity. I want you to have a heavenly eternally happy life with me."

God did not have to create human beings...after all He does have angels up there for company (who also have free will since we believe Satan is a fallen angel) but God loves us so much that He gave us the most important thing He had for us which was His own painful blood sacrifice in the form of His own bloody death. To be thankful for that kind of love and to praise someone for that kind of love is an automatic for me...but yet again God does not require it. All He requires is belief. The sinner on the cross next to Jesus never praised Him, He just believed in Him and confessed it to Him and that was all it took for Him to get salvation to Heaven. It's the same way for us.

No harm in trying God and believing He will show you He is real and loves you immensely. His love has never failed me.

I thought angels DIDNT have free will, hence the reason they rebelled( once of the problems satan had with humanity)


God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR
Why did God make himself perfect then? :jbhmm:

Seems kinda weird he didn't have to jump through all these hoops

Sounds like he's afraid of competition to me :yeshrug:

Someday you will have a chance to ask Him about it but in my understanding, as creatures it is not for us to question His purposes.


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
it's become pretty evident to me over the past couple of years that God, the bible (& all holy books), and religion were just creations of the wealthy at the time to keep the masses peaceful & law abiding until they took religion too far...kinda like conspiracy theorists now a days

also, stories in the bible, I never looked at them as real but rather lessons to guide someone in their life...it's like that dragon story in Rush Hour 2
I hate that fortune cookie shyt

Cyrus' Wife

Wife of a Warrior
Jun 1, 2013
I support this and where I am right now. I dropped religion. I don’t trust the “men” who allegedly got word from God to write a collection of books full of contradictions and logical fallacies.

I feel you on this and I do believe there are certain books and parts of the Bible that are in error due to human translation and for other nefarious reasons and also due to human misogyny as well. For example, it is very likely that Priscilla wrote the book of Hebrews but because she was a woman she was not given credit for it. Also many words if you read it in the original Greek or Hebrew are not the same words as in English and can change the entire context of a passage. This is why we have to take religion out of the equation and focus on relationship with God, you are right. I mean even if someone close to me wrote a book about me, you couldn't just read that book and think you knew me entirely. To really get to know me without someone else like the author of that book's subjectivity getting in the way, you would have to want a real relationship with me to get to the truth of who I am. The same goes for God. He wants us to discover who He is for ourselves in a close, real relationship.

Cyrus' Wife

Wife of a Warrior
Jun 1, 2013
see what's what never made sense to me cause I've always heard 3 different stories

First I heard that we were cursed with Original Sin from the moment adam and eve left the garden of eden.

But I heard that Jesus died on the cross to cleanse people's sins (even the ones that died.)...but I thought god eradicated orginal sin when he flooded the earth?

so did he send Jesus on a dummy mission? what's the real story?

Excellent question. In my personal opinion, to truly have free will as a created being (like humans and angels are) means there is always the option of doing evil as well as good. I don't think if perfect beings were created then free will could be an option for them so that is why we all are partly imperfect/sinful so to speak. If we weren't, then we would just be like robots and God does not want perfect robots that cannot think for themselves and that He can just demand (or program) obedience from, He wants people and angels that CHOOSE with free will to have a relationship with Him. But that free will implies that we have both good and evil natures within us to CHOOSE from. Sin will always be a part of this world but the key is whether we will CHOOSE to believe in and follow God who loves us and is sinless and has prepared (through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus) for us to live eternally with Him in Heaven. All we have to do is believe in Him and try a relationship out with Him. It's worth it! Take Him for a test drive and see. I don't regret it personally :smile:

Cyrus' Wife

Wife of a Warrior
Jun 1, 2013
Well, maybe God should have created us without sin?

How are you gonna be born in sin? I’m not Adam or Eve? Why does god punish humanity in its entirety for the actions of the first two (that he created)? How is that just? Should you go to jail if your great-great-great grandmother robbed someone? No, it’s unjust to the point of being silly.

Great question. My personal opinion on this is answered in the post right above. Sorry I had meant to quote your post too before I replied. It all has to do with free will. Perfect robot type beings could not have real free will which is why we were not created that way nor were angels because God does not want 24/7 robotic praise and worship and adoration...He wants a real relationship that people and angels alike choose with their own free will to have with Him.

Cyrus' Wife

Wife of a Warrior
Jun 1, 2013
What is the end goal of that? So, God can be entertained? What about the child soldiers in African tribes? What about the family members molesting their younger family members? God sees this, knows the end but just sit and let it happen? I cannot subscribe to that anymore.

Excellent point here. But God did not spare Himself suffering. God's Son was mocked, tortured and hung painfully on a cross for at least 3-6 hours before He died so it's not like He is unfamiliar with suffering so yes we have to go through suffering ourselves if even He (and most of His disciples who were almost all brutally murdered) had to go through it. We will have a lot of suffering in this short earthly life but the key word is SHORT. Heaven is forever and eternal with no more suffering. I'd take a short earthly life full of suffering for an eternally happy life with God and Jesus. In the context of eternity, our entire short earthly lives will probably only represent perhaps a week or even a day of our eternally real lives. We are to look at life from a heavenly perspective and not an earthly one (although it has taken me a while to change my perspective because of my own impatience!)

Cyrus' Wife

Wife of a Warrior
Jun 1, 2013
I thought angels DIDNT have free will, hence the reason they rebelled( once of the problems satan had with humanity)

Oh angels definitely also have free will. Satan was actually an angel of light in heaven who then chose to disobey and disrespect God. Then God cast Him out of heaven. But angels are like people in that they can choose to believe and love God or not. The Nephilim mentioned in the Bible book of Genesis are also believed to be fallen angels by many people. All beings that God created have been given the CHOICE to be in a relationship with Him or not. God does not demand this from us but He wants us to CHOOSE to try Him out with our own free will. It's worth it!


2018 Coli Rookie of the Year
Mar 30, 2018
It’s not nullified because belief and knowing are two different things. One can believe that there is no God, not believe in Heaven/hell…but those things could still exist.

So again, if someone lives a wholesome life, but does not believe in God…will your Christian God send them to hell for eternity?

Nah, I think they go to purgatory (limbo) too with the babies who weren't baptized.


2018 Coli Rookie of the Year
Mar 30, 2018
Then by this logic, isn’t it immoral to spread Christianity? If none of us knew about it then we’d all go to Heaven. By letting other people know about it, you’re risking them going to Hell which is more harmful than just not telling people in the first place.

Nah, he wants his believers to spread the word. Everytime you speak his name its praise for him. Adam and Eve recognized the lord before they even ate from the apple, hence them being taken care of in the garden .. The stain of sin is what keeps/kept us out from heaven, hence us "showing the strength of our beliefs of him, our love to him. (His love is already solidified). We are basically reproving ourselves to the light of his love. (Jesus sacrificing himself was basically the greatest co-sign, vouch mankind could ever get, its on you how the results turn out.

. Like people said he could have made mindless beings,that would praise him but shyt don't hit like the praise of someone fully in sound mind and intentions..going back to free will and risk, some cats just gonna make the wrong choice regardless of influences fam, you can't handicap everyone (by not telling them)

just my opinion though