Dusty Bake Activate
Fukk your corny debates
If that white girl would've pressed charges against you for pulling a pistol on her and you ended up being a bytch in bloody diapers getting passed around some fine California prison facility, would you feel sorry for yourself?I can't feel sorry for this guy at all.
I worked at Jack in the Crack when I was 15, and I made 5.75 an hour, and when I eventually quit because I almost didn't graduate from High school (1.8 GPA), I had about 2 grand in the bank (not shabby for a 17 year old kid i'd say), and that was MY money.
Then, I remember turning my life around and going to community college. I would wake-up at 4am, pull 2 ton pallets of bottled water (with a manual non-electric pallet jack), sweep the receiving warehouse floor. Deal with bullshyt retail customers for 8 hours and then go to school at night. Then I went to university,worked 40 hours a week at retail, which is fukking hardwork, and still went to school fulltime. One summer I took an internship, went to summer school, and still maintained a fulltime job.
Flash Forward 10 years, and I still routinely put in 70-90 hours a week during busy season, and I work 50-60 hours on a normal week. I have to deal with bytch-ass clients, unproductive idiot employees and a 2-hour long commute on somedays. Yet, I still wake up at 6am, jog 2.5 miles, and hit the gym at night.Yet, somehow, according to this article, my heart should go out to this 50-year old loser, who still works in fast food, and probably smokes weed and gets drunk all day. Then I am supposed to take my hard-earned money and give to this shyt-for-brains so he can lead a healthy life that doesn't deserve.
But you know what? I will give him money, even though we have similar socioeconomic backgrounds. This man is a born loser, and there is nothing society can to change that. I feel sorry for him because he is stupid and lazy, but he never had a choice in the matter and he never will. He is handicapped in our society the same way that a disabled person is handicapped physically. This man is disabled in his grit, intelligence, and perseverance. His handicap should be accommodated as all handicaps should be. But, just recognize that this man is in his place because of his faults and handicaps, and don't blame this on society. It's insulting to those of us who actually work hard in our lives, and believe in things like discipline, sobriety and in some cases piety.
This a serious question with a serious point behind it.