See a few of you keep talkin about the fight scenes and for me personally they just didn't do it for me.
I swear to god the first time I saw the trailer for Amazing Spiderman 2 I was in legitmode. I never saw a movie do Spiderman like that. The Raimi movies were great for their time but none of them captured the awe and power of Spiderman the way this one did. I know it's just a trailer and I know the movie is gonna blow (it looks like the Spidey version of Batman Forever
) but I can't front it look and feels like a Spiderman comic come to life.
MOS never did that for me and it's a shame because if you've ever seen me post here you'd know Supes is my favorite superhero. And with all due respect to the other superheroes none of them have the potential for such mindblowing action and mindblowing visuals as Superman does. Remember we're talking about the most powerful superhero of them all (relax nerds I'm speaking figuratively) so there's no reason why I should be more amazed watching an Iron Man movie as I am a Superman movie. There's no reason why I should be more amazed watching a CAPTAIN AMERICA movie than I am a Superman movie.
MOS had some intense action but it wasn't done gracefully. You never felt the impact or sensed the awe of what was happening. Compare it to that first fight scene between Batman and Bane in TDKR where there's so much less happening on the screen and yet it feels 10x more powerful. MOS looks and feels like a video game in comparison.
I'm still waiting for that movie to come along to really display Superman in all his glory and make people actually go "wow" like they did back in 1978. A movie that not only captures your heart but one that really makes you feel the wonder and POWER of Superman. Like when you watch Avengers you really FEEL the power of Hulk in that movie. Superman should come off like 10x as powerful. When he punches something it should sound like ten fukkin m80's went off at once. When he takes off to the skies it should sound like a rocket just took launch.
Snyder never took me back to that feeling of being 3 and being in awe of watching a man fly.
This is just not true bruh. This was the most put together Superman movie I've ever seen. I always thought the Chris Reeves joints were a joke. It's really hard to do Superman stuff which is why video games always get pushed back.