Why Was' Man Of Steel' So Hated On?


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
I'm assuming some people going about watching it for the first time, is in a state of mind of comparing it to the dark knight movies. When that happens, they find Man of Steel boring in comparison. The people want that rich vigilante in a city full of crazy ass over the top villains know what i mean. Now i personally didn't like it because i found the characters lifeless, and uninteresting. Also nothing really jumped out and grabbed my attention in the movie (had it's moments but nothing memorable).Not really disappointed though i usually never like the first movie in a superhero series because they're usually just the origins of that hero (felt this way about batman begins, spider man). I'm sure the sequel will be on point though.

Still FloW

Gawd Of Shinobi
Dec 5, 2012
Inside K. Michelle's Box
See a few of you keep talkin about the fight scenes and for me personally they just didn't do it for me.

I swear to god the first time I saw the trailer for Amazing Spiderman 2 I was in legit :ohhh: mode. I never saw a movie do Spiderman like that. The Raimi movies were great for their time but none of them captured the awe and power of Spiderman the way this one did. I know it's just a trailer and I know the movie is gonna blow (it looks like the Spidey version of Batman Forever :mjlol:) but I can't front it look and feels like a Spiderman comic come to life.

MOS never did that for me and it's a shame because if you've ever seen me post here you'd know Supes is my favorite superhero. And with all due respect to the other superheroes none of them have the potential for such mindblowing action and mindblowing visuals as Superman does. Remember we're talking about the most powerful superhero of them all (relax nerds I'm speaking figuratively) so there's no reason why I should be more amazed watching an Iron Man movie as I am a Superman movie. There's no reason why I should be more amazed watching a CAPTAIN AMERICA movie than I am a Superman movie.

MOS had some intense action but it wasn't done gracefully. You never felt the impact or sensed the awe of what was happening. Compare it to that first fight scene between Batman and Bane in TDKR where there's so much less happening on the screen and yet it feels 10x more powerful. MOS looks and feels like a video game in comparison.

I'm still waiting for that movie to come along to really display Superman in all his glory and make people actually go "wow" like they did back in 1978. A movie that not only captures your heart but one that really makes you feel the wonder and POWER of Superman. Like when you watch Avengers you really FEEL the power of Hulk in that movie. Superman should come off like 10x as powerful. When he punches something it should sound like ten fukkin m80's went off at once. When he takes off to the skies it should sound like a rocket just took launch.

Snyder never took me back to that feeling of being 3 and being in awe of watching a man fly.

watched Spider Man on wednesday [London had it first :mjpls: ] shiiit was PIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, Exactly as youd expect a spider man, so compared to MOS, boy Spiderman and Cap America winning by a mile...


master of reality
May 2, 2012
Great movie :obama:

Really more scifi than a straight super hero movie. Felt like Superman could use a little more of the captain america personality like he is supposed to have but i didnt want them going into cornball territory either. I liked the changes they made to the origin. You'd be lost and confused or depressed as fukk too if you found out that not only were aliens real but you are one and there are some coming to specifically kill you :merchant:

The acting, effects, music, and cinematography were all :ohlawd:

This needs to be watched in a theater or at home with a real sound system. I feel like some people here skim through a bootleg on their laptop and claim theyve "seen" the movie :beli:


May 3, 2012
( o Y o )
Great movie :obama:

This. Some mufukkas just love to complain about everything.


And yea Faora was badass..."A good death is it's own reward." :banderas:


All Star
May 26, 2012
I just posted about this on the GameFAQs message boards last night. Snyder was interviewed about Superman/Batman and responded to the criticism of the first film. No point in rephrasing. I'll cut and paste:

"Reading the interview in its entirety, I realize that how I see Superman and how this guy sees Superman are never gonna link up and result in a movie I enjoy.

"It’s just funny to see people really taking it personally… because I made him real, you know, I made him feel, or made consequences [in] the world. I felt like, it was the same thing in Watchmen. We really wanted to show it wasn’t just like they thought, like the PG-13 version where everyone just gets up and they’re fine. I really wanted to show the violence is real, people get killed or get hurt, and it’s not fun or funny."

I don't even know where to start with this. In the process of giving us the "real, serious and un-fun" Superman he also forgot to give the movie a soul. There's NO gravity to the loss of life, besides maybe Zod's because it's such a jarring thing.

If you're gonna do dark, bleak and damn near (which I personally wouldn't do in a FIRST Superman film) you've gotta give what happens some weight. Empathy for ANYONE in the movie in the face of all of that destruction just never happened, at least for me. There was one hell of a disconnect.

I know it's just a comic book movie and such, but if you're gonna go "real", you can't forget to make people care for the characters for real.

Now if MOS was a sequel to a movie that:

A. Established Clark's attachment to humanity, his need to protect it and how much he HATES the loss of life.

B. Got us properly acquainted with the ancillary characters (Olsen, Perry White)

C. Got across how inspirational he is and that he's actually really good at helping humanity, as opposed to having a first mission where it looks like a ton of people died. S***, the villains whole presence ON the planet was partially his fault. You suck as a super hero, bro.

TL;DR - S*** blew up in this movie and people died. Snyder thinks it's realistic I gave no f****."


new love, same neurosis..
May 4, 2012
watched Spider Man on wednesday [London had it first :mjpls: ] shiiit was PIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, Exactly as youd expect a spider man, so compared to MOS, boy Spiderman and Cap America winning by a mile...

amazing spiderman 2 looks like straight ass :mjlol:

maann, marvel needs to get back some of these properties. sony & 20th Century fox had them too long. its pretty amazing the numbers marvel studios is doing with essentially their b-cast heroes. can you imagine what they'd do with spidey and x-men? spiderman and the avenegrs?! :banderas: every single movie would do over a billie

hugh jackson needs to :camby:as wolverine forreal

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
I just posted about this on the GameFAQs message boards last night. Snyder was interviewed about Superman/Batman and responded to the criticism of the first film. No point in rephrasing. I'll cut and paste:

"Reading the interview in its entirety, I realize that how I see Superman and how this guy sees Superman are never gonna link up and result in a movie I enjoy.

"It’s just funny to see people really taking it personally… because I made him real, you know, I made him feel, or made consequences [in] the world. I felt like, it was the same thing in Watchmen. We really wanted to show it wasn’t just like they thought, like the PG-13 version where everyone just gets up and they’re fine. I really wanted to show the violence is real, people get killed or get hurt, and it’s not fun or funny."

I don't even know where to start with this. In the process of giving us the "real, serious and un-fun" Superman he also forgot to give the movie a soul. There's NO gravity to the loss of life, besides maybe Zod's because it's such a jarring thing.

If you're gonna do dark, bleak and damn near (which I personally wouldn't do in a FIRST Superman film) you've gotta give what happens some weight. Empathy for ANYONE in the movie in the face of all of that destruction just never happened, at least for me. There was one hell of a disconnect.

I know it's just a comic book movie and such, but if you're gonna go "real", you can't forget to make people care for the characters for real.

Now if MOS was a sequel to a movie that:

A. Established Clark's attachment to humanity, his need to protect it and how much he HATES the loss of life.

B. Got us properly acquainted with the ancillary characters (Olsen, Perry White)

C. Got across how inspirational he is and that he's actually really good at helping humanity, as opposed to having a first mission where it looks like a ton of people died. S***, the villains whole presence ON the planet was partially his fault. You suck as a super hero, bro.

TL;DR - S*** blew up in this movie and people died. Snyder thinks it's realistic I gave no f****."
So I guess his saving the kids on the school bus, the workers on the oil rig, the soldiers during the fight with Faora in Smallville, risking his life to destroy the world engine and stuff like that wasn't enough to show the dude cared about humanity huh? You needed him saving cats out if trees and pausung the fisticuffs to go swooping up little old ladies and baby carriages during the final battle with Zod I guess.
I swear I don't think any superhero movie gets nitpicked as much as this one does.


All Star
May 26, 2012
So I guess his saving the kids on the school bus, the workers on the oil rig, the soldiers during the fight with Faora in Smallville, risking his life to destroy the world engine and stuff like that wasn't enough to show the dude cared about humanity huh? You needed him saving cats out if trees and pausung the fisticuffs to go swooping up little old ladies and baby carriages during the final battle with Zod I guess.
I swear I don't think any superhero movie gets nitpicked as much as this one does.

I would've liked the actual loss of what appeared to be hundreds to thousands of people to matter, yeah. The second half is at odds with the other stuff you mentioned. Dude lost a ton of lives and then made out with Lois Lane at Ground Zero. I'll agree with you on the stuff towards the beginning, even though his pops was like "You probably should've let em die to conceal your identity", before the lamest sacrifice ever. Pa Kent sucked.

Me and the crew I went with of about 10 people were just like "that was gorgeous disaster shyt, but a terrible story." Eyes were just glazing over as blocks of buildings were falling and what not. It LOOKED cool, and I guess if that's all you wanted then I can understand it being liked. I loved the Faora fight. The rest was whatever.

If you wanted corny ass Superman to finally be gutter, then I see. But there's gonna be people who wanted something else and that's why it's so divisive.

At the end of the day, dude saved the world from a threat that he basically brought to Earth by being there, a ton of people died, it was quickly glossed over and then homie makes out with his unofficial chick. And for good measure, he styles on the Government on some "You're welcome, bytches" shyt. Risked his life to stop the World Engine...nikka there wouldn't BE a World Engine without his distress signal going off. If I was anyone on Earth there, I wouldn't trust this dude at ALL. At least he wasn't a dead beat dad, I guess...


All Star
May 6, 2012

Me and the crew I went with of about 10 people were just like "that was gorgeous disaster shyt, but a terrible story." ..
You and your crew sound like a pack of fakkits

Apply this same level of scrutiny to the original movies

Only thing I would agree with you on is the pa kent sacrifice. They should have had him saving a kid instead

Ari Gold Bawse

The Bawse of all Bosses
Jul 4, 2013
I liked it. Going to rewatch it next week aswell as its out on my sky movies now

I wasnt really feeling amy adams though, wish they didnt give her so many scenes and lane shouldnt of known he was superman

should of had more action and been more linear
Sep 12, 2013
Honestly at the end of the day it doesn't even matter what I would have wanted in a Superman movie. Just cause they didn't make MY ideal Superman movie doesn't mean it couldn't have been a good movie. The Dark Knight isn't my ideal Batman movie but I could watch it over and over.

MOS just wasn't a good movie period. That's why I didn't like it. I couldn't stay immersed in the story or the characters because of the poor screenplay and poor directing. If those things would have been in check they could have taken all the liberties they wanted with the mythos. As long as it captures the spirit and the essence of Superman I'm okay with it. For me MOS didn't.