Well I wouldn’t expect a failed bottle boy and twitch streamer to know what anaphylaxis is Kind of makes sense why you are obsessed with numbers and viewers on there now. But I want to know why are you saving my hand pics from 5 years ago?
PS stop editing your post you not making them any funnier
you overweight by a good 100 pounds man, im trying to save your life you just ungrateful you dance around questions and posts all day, you still havnt even said what you play
Failed bottle boy
lets see here since you so smart lets do some math
Clubs been closed a year
Itsyoung!! still living life great
you tell me how that make sense
Vegas opens 50% march 15th, pools open March 5th, ill be there gambling March 17-18 you so rich, smart and fit im sure you would want to be there soon as it opens right
mafukka you aint been in a pool without your shirt off in your life