let's be honest right now, Sony has a plethora of first-party franchises but many of them often compete with eachother in the market. from a gamer perspective this is probably your idea situation but from a developer/shareholder perspective this is terrible for business. Sony as a corporation credit is currently BB aka Junk status
http://http://www.kotaku.com.au/2012/11/sonys-credit-rating-slashed-to-junk-status/ which means that whatever loan sony incurs will have high yield interest rates attached to it. Sony as a corporation is currently restructuring its policy letting go developers
Zipper Interactive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LightBox Interactive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eat Sleep Play - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so that it can ease tension in this horrid climate to avoid sanyo status
. The playstation vita? you know the growheld device that is marketed to pedophiles and weirdos(
) it has a few more Quarters left to pick up steam or 3rd party developers will Officially pull the plug like the go
. Many developers (see bioshock) have already discussed how they would be willing to support the vita if sony funds a amount of the products development cost. Vita isn't even meeting forecasted fiscal sales in its own promise land
PS Vita sales do not pick up in Japan. pedos , sony then
by supporting you weirdos.
Sony already is at a loss in the software department they're a hardware company but struggles in it's own enviroment
... only way they can survive next generation is by lowering cost, to boost profits ala nintendo with the wii.
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