The thing that is not taken into consideration is the quality of the non-black men these black women are apparently supposed to end up with. I wonder this because I don't see this ending well for black women if not because I just don't see all these other races abandoning all the things that drive them to keep in their respective races.
Consider: the general ubiquitnousness of eurocentric beauty standards, logic that would indicate that they must hate their momma if they date out, pressures from their own communities to date within their race, the possibility of seeming as if they are dating down in the eyes of others if they date a black woman (this exists in these non-black communities), general views about the black community derived from either crime or other mischaracterizations of black people and black women (attitude and all that- I know you've heard them all). Then the willingness that society has to confer all things negatives on blacks, it makes me wonder. When black women point out that men have it easier in attracting non-black women (used unfortunately to downplay issues of colorism and so forth towards men), they do have a point somewhat, since masculinity and femininity are appreciated differently.
I guess my point is this, and I've seen this myself: It seems that the average black women that partakes in this will end up pulling a lower end non-black guy than a high end non-black guy. Examples of the ones who pulled higher ends (celebrities/models) will be paraded about to quell any internal issues these women will have. Moreover, I can't help but feel that they will conform harder to eurocentric beauty standards which will cause some sort of fuss and problems going forward. Moreover, how often are accusations of colorism and other issues that effect the black community ever leveled at non-black men? It feels like such issues quite literally die at the feet of non-black men. In the end, it feels like a recipe for disaster, even more so for some black women.