Why It Doesn't Pay To Be A Simp


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
This is why I say that no amount of advice will change a simp. Simps at their core, want to feel like they are different from other guys. Dude thinks that because he got a number and only bought one drink, he won more than the other dude (who's to say other dude didn't get a number)

Nah, because you still fell for her trick. Shes an obvious drink whore. All you did was contribute to her thirst quenching. She made you feel special, made you feel like you weren't like the other guy, you fell for it and still bought the drink off the idea that you were somehow above him in her eyes.

I don't think many would count adding on to someone's drink count as winning. Like yeah, you won over the other guy, but are there really any winners in the special olympics, :huh:


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
no shyt, like I'm gonna buy a girl a drink who's not giving me attention

then why do you feel like you "deserve" it? you don't deserve it, you're either already getting her attention or you're not. buying a drink doesn't mean you've earned the right to her attention. that's foolish sense of self-entitlement, and all because you brought a girl a drink...


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
This is why I say that no amount of advice will change a simp. Simps at their core, want to feel like they are different from other guys. Dude thinks that because he got a number and only bought one drink, he won more than the other dude (who's to say other dude didn't get a number)

Nah, because you still fell for her trick. Shes an obvious drink whore. All you did was contribute to her thirst quenching. She made you feel special, made you feel like you weren't like the other guy, you fell for it and still bought the drink off the idea that you were somehow above him in her eyes.

I don't think many would count adding on to someone's drink count as winning. Like yeah, you won over the other guy, but are there really any winners in the special olympics, :huh:

How do you know I feel that way? If I didn't type it, I didn't say it.

I'll give you something to run with verbatim

Shorty would have tried to run me for everything if she saw a chink in my armor. She was trying to see if I would simp on her. I played it cool, and kept it casual, and we had a regular conversation. I wasn't even trying to bag at this point because I was leary of how she did dude. She was definitely a liquor pimp, and I did mention that. I was aware of who I was dealing with. I bought her a drink while in the middle of the convo because I chose to, not because I felt obligated. If that was the case, I would have bought her a drink as soon as she rolled up on me. I expected nothing more from this encounter but a decent conversation. We happened to exchange numbers, and even still nothing may come from this. That's cool. Not really the point of my story.

I just felt bad for dude because shorty was trying to clown him too. I hate when chicks do that to another dude like it's cool. Like I'm supposed to laugh with her. But he was grillin me, when he should have been upset with her. But she ended up being cool and a good sport. You're right, it could all be game... and she seems like a bullshytter. But it's not really nothing major. Don't care for her like that.

Just wanted to share the story on how dudes will do crazy stuff for females and still end up in last place. My game is nothing extraordinary. I'm no mack, or pimp. I just have self-respect for myself and won't let these chicks make a mockery of me.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
How do you know you she didn't clown you to someone else? Idk, I just dont fukk with the idea of rewarding sheisty people, no matter how different I think another person is from me. She has the nerve to talk shyt about him, she'll probably do the same to you. Women give out their number like its nothing, not a thing to think of as a qualifier for how you are different.

She gamed you extra hard in a smooth way. :manny: Like, you can talk shyt about the other guy all you want, but at the end of the day, you pretty much rewarded her for being a bytch as she gossiped to you. It's not a stretch to believe she talked the same shyt about you to someone else.


Jul 1, 2012
Women dont respect men who trick, simple as that