NYC Rebel
...on the otherside of the pond
People conveniently forget Rice pouting when Deion routinely shut him down
You're lying now.
People conveniently forget Rice pouting when Deion routinely shut him down
You're lying now.
People conveniently forget Rice pouting when Deion routinely shut him down
yes you areno im not
no im not
I'm trying to figure out what Deion did to Jerry in 1990....this is a great myth
Rice had 5tds on the FAlcons.they played twice a year while he was in Atlanta.
Rice had 5tds on the FAlcons.
I remember Rice schooling him so bad that he facemasked Jerry on his way to the end zone.
LIke I're lying.
People conveniently forget Rice pouting when Deion routinely shut him down
Im not purposely lying...maybe my memory is off but I do remember DEion getting the best of him more than once
the best Deion ever did against Rice was holding him to 3 catches in September of 1993.Im not purposely lying...maybe my memory is off but I do remember DEion getting the best of him more than once
Honestly, when you brazenly admit to taking plays off like Randy did, then you have opened yourself up to being defined by a soundbite obsessed, anti-black male media. Randy brought it on himself.