I feel and understand what you are saying with this post BUT let me ask you a question: Do white people not kill, do/sell drugs, spend frivolously and partake in gang/prison activities? So why do i NEVER hear that content on stations aimed at the white youth? The only time i hear about "shooting thru ya car door" or "move that dope" is on stations aimed at the black youth. Whats your take on that?
@AntiVenom couldnt give me an answer
well, I don't hear it because I don't listen to the radio.

You hear it because you pay attention.
The youth hear it because youth usually listen to whatever the mainstream pushes without any regard for quality.
White people have crazy ass rock songs - if you really pay attention. They speak on worst shyt than drugs and throwing money.

Black Amerikkan culture is the controller of pop culture on the world. Even most of the white artist in Amerikka go throw a 'black' and hip hop phase..
Everyone on Earth wants to be cool.... and without suffering from direct oppression like how Africans deal with colonization -- Black people are Cool. It's just the fact...
for Whatever reason black people are naturally cool, even the dorky, nerdy or lames of 'us' are cooler than every other group. I see this even with toddlers. ( to put it simply)
Cool and pop culture makes money. --- White kids buy concert tickets and music in mass- SO whoever buys product controls the product... and white kids LOVE to sing along to ignorant black shyt. It makes them feel good inside.
Plus we live under a system of white supremacy .... so even white low lifes have that systems. When the 40 year old white guy walks to 7mile to get his dope.. he goes back , while the black dopeheads are stuck hanging around gas stations.... dealing with being a dopehead + black Most drug users are white By FAR, but most down and out people in urban centers are 'minority' and racial politics and white supremacy ensures that things remain the same.
Black kids and young adults get into the industry and are willing to do whatever type of music.. because
1) having a bunch of money is better than being poor
2) having fame feels better than being marginalized
3) black people love acceptance from the mainstream ( it's a mental disorder)
4) its easy to speak on the Worst parts of your subculture. ---- Every group has comedians that make fun of the ignorant parts. Black people have artist that speak on the worst parts ....
AND pain, oppression, ignorance, bad choices, the underword, etc... HAVE ALWAYS been a part of our music.
Bad situations aren't caused by the music........ The music comes about because of bad situations. Sure, a song about selling dope and pushing an Italian car is dumb.... BUT being a little kids who is poor and the only role models you see are the dopemen is Worst.
so ...