I don't see how the length of friendship plays into this. You don't do snake shyt to your friends, period. I don't care if it's my friend from 1 month ago, or my friend from 25 years ago, killing them over work is snake shyt. No way around it.
I just never understood the whole "If y'all didn't grow up together, it's okay to snake your man" type mentality. You can always find a reason to do some foul shyt, using that justification.
"Yeah we grew up together, but we ain't that close" "Yeah, he's my best friend, but he ain't my brother. Ain't like we got the same parents" etc... You can do that all day to excuse shytty behavior.
As far as Rich overcharging, that is literally only Alpo's side, and why would I believe Alpo who is notorious for saying anything that would get him out of a jam? I'm not saying it's not possible, I have no clue. But I'm not just taking Alpo's word for it like it's the gospel. Sounds like some shyt he concocted to make himself look better.