But the more brehs that date and marry white women
This is the reason for the increase in the marriage numbers.
Black men went from a percentage of 5.5% marrying out in 1990 to 24 percent now.
But the more brehs that date and marry white women
Stop ducking cause I know your crew trying to make a comeback in TLR.
@The M.I.C. we got one from *that* era.
This is the reason for the increase in the marriage numbers.
Black men went from a percentage of 5.5% marrying out in 1990 to 24 percent now.
Carmel stay turning pawgers out and turning making them love bw again
I remember i said a ex of urs in philly was the se way.
Pawgers are attracted to u
It is if that's all you do. No one respects a house husband. Imagine being a man told by your wife to sleep on the couch because you let her plate get cold one too many times when she comes home from work. And you can't say anything because everything is in her name.Lol it’s not feminine to care for your children. Just as it’s not masculine to provide for them.
Lol men are respected for it though, within their families where it counts. Stop trying to impress the world. I’ve seen the dynamic workIt is if that's all you do. No one respects a house husband. Imagine being a man told by your wife to sleep on the couch because you let her plate get cold one too many times when she comes home from work. And you can't say anything because everything is in her name.No women respects a man in that position. Gender bending shyt. Yall did what yall had to do out
of necessity but that m.o is not sustainable let alone productive. It's telling when you see so many examples of quote unquote strong independent black women switch up and become demure when they date out. Look at eve.
Well only 29% of black people are married.
in 1980 the number of NEVER married African Americans began a staggering climb from about 10% to more than 25% by 2010
One of the biggest problems black people have is we don't have a culture of relationships, we're only together long enough to make children.
If I had time, I would interpolate the numbers to get the totals.
I think it’s related to class and poverty and to bm position in this country unfortunately. Men do the proposing. If a large chunk of bm aren’t proposing its indicative of the bigger issues taking place—which are poverty, jail, umployment, broken families with no role models, oppression etc.
To illustrate what I mean the white out of wedlock rate is increasing for white people that are poor too.
Rate of births to white single moms accelerates
And I also don’t believe it’s because bm have more productive relationships with ww than they do with bw.
According to that link the out of wedlock rate between bm and ww is actually very high too. In those cases the article also highlights poverty.
I think culturally your right that marriage does not seem to be as important as it is to other groups.
But a lot of Black people also aren’t doing well in this country which I think is the other big reason. There was a recent study where it showed that bm income has decreased not increased(they were the only group to have that type of decrease too). And we’re in 2020.
Some of us are doing well and we forget that many are not—in those situations, it’s obvious that what’s happening is people just having sex with no intention of a relationship. Sex is free so it makes sense that they’re having it. that’s where the babies end up coming. The problem is that many just aren’t in a position to have children(yet they do) or be married (which is why they don’t).
When i speak of respect I'm speaking in terms of within the household not public opinion. The resentment will come sooner or later from one or both parties most aren't built for that. AldiLol men are respected for it though, within their families where it counts. Stop trying to impress the world. I’ve seen the dynamic workRigidity in thinking can’t exist when you’re black in America. Continuing to tirelessly try and live up to roles that are damn near impossible, is a waste of time to me.
Again, I’m not saying the whole male as a provider isn’t ideal and I agree most women would rather have a traditional set up, but when you’re black it’s not always going to be the basis of the relationship, but it could grow to that. A lot of us date out because it’s less work to get to the ideal.
You ok breh, you been saying a lot of slick shyt recently, we know you have a Vietnamese wife.You can only conquer hate with love.
I'm going to guess that it's related to education, as in I bet the overwhelming amount of black people in interracial marriages have a B.A. or better. Even though schools have been integrated forever, on a number of campuses, black people in general are a minority. In graduate programs, that's probably even fewer.
On most campuses, unless you go out of your way to find black orgs, you're probably just dating whomever you're around, so whites and Asians, mostly.
That extends into the workplace post-college since workplaces are also grouped by educational attainment. Unless you go out of your way to date in the race, you're probably getting to know white and Asian people with mostly white and Asian friends. Most people still get married to the people around them even with the rise of dating apps.
The stuff y'all say about black folks from the suburbs is probably tilted most toward education now since the suburbs are integrated and white and Asian people with money are moving back into the cities.
That's my guess, anyway.