"Why dont you have a girlfriend" and "Why don't you have any kids?"


Nothing really matters...
Oct 10, 2012
You know what? I think that sometimes the intention behind this question is so irrational that normal guys can't understand it. And when I try to explain it, it makes me sound irrational even though I'm just sharing what I've experienced. Like this guy below me asking why would a woman who wasn't attracted even bother to ask you this question. You're thinking too logically, it's not about logic.

:comeon: B, if a woman isn't attracted to you then she doesn't care enough to ask the question. If she finds you unattractive then why would she be wondering why you don't have a chick? :dahell:

Because sometimes women want to establish if you're a fukking loser, and not having a girlfriend counts as being a loser in the mind of some women. This question isn't always a positive one. They really might ask you this question in the most condescending way, like: "You don't have a girlfriend? :usure: I don't want anything to do with you then, loser." There are women who might not want to socialize with you if you don't have a girl. I know how :why: it sounds, but it's true. This isn't me overanalyzing shyt, haven't you heard people say that you actually have more success with some women if you already have a woman?

Yeah, I just think you're overanalyzing the question, and getting a lil too high strung about it. The question is just designed as a way to compliment you and show interest...shes saying: "God, how is a man like you still available. Im lucky to have this opportunity to get to know you, and possibly get next to you." Women arent socialized to use blunt and bold language when it comes to attraction so just go with it and relax.

Its just trips me and @MAKAVELI25 up, that cats are turning a positive into a negative. Thats all. I cant relate to being tight over positive, female attention.

It's not always a compliment. Sometimes a woman could ask you "Do you have a girlfriend?" and if you say "No," she'll just *sigh* and never talk to you again. This question is ambiguous.

She doesn't always mean "God, how is a man like you still available. Im lucky to have this opportunity to get to know you, and possibly get next to you." She might not ask you this because she wants to be with you, she might ask you this because she doesn't want to associate with a guy who she thinks has trouble with women.

I know it sounds irrational but some women are totally irrational and you guys don't take this into consideration. It's frustrating that you don't realize that some women's thought process is more insane than Cosmopolitan magazine.

I know some of you are like :what: but I didn't make these irrational women. I know it's the most paradoxical shyt you've ever heard, but that's how some women are. It's not my assumption, it's first hand experience.

Yes. If she's asking you why you don't have a job or a car the implication could be that you're an adult and that's what normal adults should have. Bearing adult responsibilities has nothing to do with her attraction to you, but if she's asking you why you have a girlfriend it's beyond that, breh. You think chicks are asking fat unattractive guys why they don't have girls? You've never met a bad chick who told you she has problems keeping guys and wondered to yourself how someone that fine would have a problem having boyfriends on deck?

You might wonder that because you're a guy, but there are women who are thinking "Why can't this guy get a girl? He must be a loser." It makes no sense.
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hood b. goode

Oct 22, 2012
ProSports: NOLA. College: UMich. Europe: Arsenal

No. Definitely.

I thought there were a ton of things wrong with myself, between looks, height, you fukin name it.

Then i would go out and see average looking dudes wheeling girls:dwillhuh:

You cant win unless you play, you gotta put an effort in to be charming, funny, dress well, and get in shape. You honestly sound like life has beaten you down.:ufdup: