The Amerikkkan Idol
The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Italian women have asses? Since when? Anyway the Mafia is glorified because they are White criminals who wear suits. Plain and simple
Italian women ugly and shaped like fridges, the fukk you talking about![]()
There's PLENTY of curvy Italian women. Where you nikkaz been?

They're the curviest White women by a large margin.
Now, they might not have the fake Instagram morbidly obese asses that you retards love, but for relatively in shape White women, they're the curviest
Y'all nikkaz forgot Monica Bellucci?
Sophia Loren?
Hell, Lady Gaga had a magnificent ass before she went on the Hollywood diet

Hell, if you look up "Italian Girls" on Urban Dictionary it says:
Italian girls are beautiful. Dark hair brown eyes tan skin. Most of them are bytchy and mean but are really pretty. A lot of Italian girls have big bootys and you wonder where they get those cus they white. Italian girls are the definition of = S.E.X.Y!
Hey you see those italian girls over there. They got some sexy fat asses
- yea must be all that pasta she eating
#bella #italiana #sexy #beliisima #fat ass
No one's given a damn about the Mafia since the 90s. And it may be hard to accept but the Mafia was tougher and more organized than any Black gang in the US. Even now are gangs aren't the hardest, most organized or are even a real threat to the anyone outside of whatever neighborhood they occupy.