While I personally don't care..it's a good point. I've seen throughout the innanets that Kendrick has been lambasted for his girl despite her being a day 1. I've never seen Serena treated in the same manner.
Idk if there's more to it but that's my $0.02
I don't care who these celebs date, but I usually see backlash when people either
1. Claim some sort of pro-blackness or are symbolized as such.
2. Say some ignorant shyt and come off as a c00n.
People were surprised at Kendrick because with his image and message they felt he would've been with a "real" black women.
Cube's son, people thought he would've been more "enlightened or concious", seeing who his father is. Then the drama with what he "alledgely" said, and his decision to check black women rather than his friend. People forget he's just a spoiled kid from LA.
Michael B. Jordan takes his black fan base for granted and says suspect stuff.
The issue is black women expect loyalty from the people they support and are legitimately disappointed when celebs don't return the love. Not to mention the fact that white women have been historically used/seen as symbols of success, and accomplishments. Putting black women on the other end of the spectrum. All they want is love and appreciation.