But most of the dame "business skills" dikkriding was just people hating on Jay Z. Let's be honest
And even He gets made fun of as well
I won't discredit what dudes like Dame or P did while they were on...Dame was legitimately great at brand promotion during the Roc days and P legitimately built an empire with NL during it's peak...they both just were lacking in ways that ultimately made their business models unsustainable....but yeah I was agreeing with you when I brought up Dame, he gets roundly clowned all the time now for falling off
I vaguely remember the story of P slapping Baby's brother Gangsta back when he was in N.O. before moving to Cali. Prolly why NL and CMR never fukked with each other.
He doesn't go into the details, but in an interview with FEDS magazine he talks about getting into it with Gangsta because word on the street was that he killed P's cousin...I'm guessing it had to be years after P moved to Cali though, sometime after he moved back...because Gangsta is Baby and Slim's little brother (and main goon/shooter in the late 90's before he got knocked), just a few years older than BG...he would've been basically a kid before P moved to the bay
Oh yeah, another notorious man was one of my cousins, Randall Watts, he was a notorious hit man in New Orleans. When you would say that name people would just run. A couple of years ago he was killed, that’s how it is. You just sit down and you say,”DAMN!” But he killed people too, so I guess that’s how the game goes. You know how it goes, you get caught up in the judicial system, and now you ain’t carryin your gun, because you have a case and then someone shoots you.
That’s how I had a run in with Gangster(Slim and Baby of Cash Money’s brother) but I didn’t know him and he didn’t know me. He probably thought I had a problem with him, but people started pointing fingers saying, “Oh he did it.” It’s sad, but that’s how we live, and he ended up not having anything to do with it, but at the time that’s how it goes. If somebody thought you had something to do with it, then that was how it had to be. My thing is I’m just so glad to be at this stage, able to come from a lifestyle like that. It made me solid, which is how I can survive in this side of the business, because I went through that lifestyle.

You need to do your history on why people like p and suge companies went bankrupt bruh. When you actually own your company and own your catalog whiteys not gonna stop until you lose that asset.
P tried to be positive and come with something that would actually help people but none of these c00n ass nikkas out here wanted to help. They'll dance around with a bottle of ciroc and promote Molly like it's Fukkin chicken, but when P was tryin to change the game with a distribution company after no limit or better black tv it was crickets out here. But see how quick there clowns will be to promote revolt tv since diddy will have the white man throw you some kibble and bits for doing it.
Bankruptcy is a game rich people play everyday, is it shameful that Donald trum has filed numerous times?
P and Suge's companies went bankrupt because of mismanagement, simple as that...this is more of the silly myth making I'm talking about

...making up vague conspiracy theories to fill in the gaps of dudes' ineptitude in an effort to preserve some of kind of legend instead of reality...in Suge's case he couldn't leave all the extracurricular gangsta sh!t alone and saw his biggest and most profitable acts either run off to get away from the drama (Dre and Snoop) or killed getting them involved in his own personal LA gang bang politics (2pac)...you run your business with all types of credit extended under the assumption that you're gonna be generating money like your peak years forever, but then within a short couple of years you have a depleted roster and you're sitting in prison behind some stupid sh!t that YOU did...and you're gonna run into trouble keeping the company afloat
In P's case, he got incredibly gassed and overextended himself into all kinds of business realms he had ZERO level of expertise in...didn't bother to hire people who actually knew what they were doing (there is NO SHAME in delegation, it's part of being a boss)...and when the businesses end up failing and he takes a loss from money he invested into them from revenue generated from the label (one of the reasons Jay and Dame fell out, Dame was doing the same thing with Roc-a-Fella money)...and musically he's fallen off and not making nearly the type of money he was initially...he gets stuck, the label goes under and he has to put it through bankruptcy to protect himself personally...the main problem with that is back in the day when P was estimated to be worth like $400million dollars and all that, it wasn't because he had 400milly sitting in the bank in cash or gold bullion...the vast majority of it was the estimated worth of No Limit Records at it's peak, with P as the owner...a company that ended up not being actually worth sh!t after the bankruptcy and that he lost all rights to even future earnings from
Here's a kind related video of KLC from Beats by the Pound basically mocking P for not owning the catalog anymore towards the end...turns out he (KLC) ended up getting it after ligation
That Better Black TV sh!t is classic example of what ended up sinking NL...the sh!t was a joke..everything about the station looked liked cheap, amatuerish, bootleg imitations of stuff already on the air...and it's no telling how much money P wasted trying to get that sh!t off the ground...imitation Tyler Perry sitcoms and imitation 106 and Park with Silkk Da Shocker hosting
No Limit didn't have to have the type of run on top as an independently black owned label like Cash Money has, but there's absolutely no reason why he couldn't have maintained it like J. Prince has Rap-a-Lot...he still owns his catalog and has kept the company afloat all these year...and that's with the feds ACTUALLY trying to take him down for years in real life...not some ole "i ran my business into the grown and did nothing but waste money in failed business ventures over and over again....MUST BE WHITEY!" bullsh!t
Like I said before, the difference between Trump and P is...Trump was MORE successful after bankruptcy than before...and every time he filed, he did so willingly to get from under debt...not like P who hasn't done sh!t of note successfully since the 90's and was forced into involuntary bankruptcy because he couldn't scrub up 250k in cash to pay off the cast on one of the failed movies he tried to make