Why do you think Michael Jackson decided to be a surrogate Father to White kids?

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
The question that I wish somebody, anybody would have asked him before he died.

He lucky I ain’t rich or else I’d do some undercover work to get to the bottom of it. Follow the kids, get dna samples on the low, follow his brothers get dna samples on the low and send to a lab to cross reference for the answer.

He WAS asked point blank by Martin Bashere in that farce documentary he put out. Its mostly a bullshyt hit piece but he DID ask Michael straight out and MJ was adamant that Prince and Paris were his by natural conception and that Blanket was conceived through a surrogate.

He even doubled down on this later



The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
He legit didn’t have no childhood tho

he had to listen to his brothers fukking groupies when he was like 10 years old, and I legit wouldn’t put it pass them to have made one of the girls fondle/molest mj on some jokes/teasing brother stuff. shyt like that fukks you up
word I remember MJ recalling with disgust how he had to listen to Jermaine scream whenever he nutted:scusthov:

Even the groupies were like you sure you want to do this with your brothers(marlon and michael) sleeping right here

Jermaine out here sounding like Lex Steele:no:
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Bih call me senpai
Mar 16, 2014
Dude look like Post Malone

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
This question has been asked multiple times, I'm sure. I don't really know and I don't care. I know Michael was adamant on having kids. That's one of the reasons his marriage with Lisa Marie ended, because he wanted kids and she didn't. By the time she changed her mind and tried to repair the relationship, Michael was like, "I already have someone for that. :yeshrug:"

I will say this, Michael definitely dealt with many insecurities, but I never felt like he hated being black. He was very aware that he was a black man at many points in his life. He wasn't impressed by people like Elvis because white people hyped them up to be the best when they weren't. One of the reasons he wanted to become the biggest star in the world was to stick it to magazines who didn't want to put black people on their cover. He told Oprah that he thought the idea of a white kid playing a kid version of him in a commercial was horrifying because he was proud to be black and when he looked in the mirror, that's what he saw. He called Tommy Mottola a racist, and said that he wasn't expected as a black man to outthink the record labels. Despite the vitiligo and the attempts to even out his skin/plastic surgery, at no point did he ever refer to himself as a white man or show any hatred towards black people. He never lost sight of who he truly was. :ehh:
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Wear My Dawg's Hat

Nov 18, 2016
The Land That Time Forgot
Michael is the greatest, but ignoring his many issues and obvious mental illness is why he is no longer with us today.

His publicist for 30 years, Bob Jones, revealed that MJ had a derogatory term for black folk: "Splaboos." It was his version of the n-word. Wendy Williams then ran with it on her old radio show.


Michael Jackson's PR manager, Bob Jones, saw it all. But it was only when he was fired after 17 years he decided to tell his story. Dan Glaister meets him.

Bob Jones hands me an envelope and sits back in his chair. "This shows how far he will go," he says with a laugh, his gravelly voice booming out across the bustling Creole restaurant in south Los Angeles. "It's like the time he instituted an all-out campaign to try to get Elizabeth to knight him. These are ideas that he comes up with."

Jones should know. For 17 years the Motown veteran ran Michael Jackson's public relations, steering him from Bad to Dangerous and beyond, navigating the accusations and allegations that have plagued the past decade of the singer's career, before being unceremoniously dismissed in June last year.

Now, in the spirit of the times, Jones has written a book, Michael Jackson: the Man Behind the Mask. Ghosted by journalist and one-time Jackson family friend Stacy Brown, it covers familiar ground - the marriages, the surgery, the special friends, the money - but the piece of paper Jones has given me covers something that isn't in the book.

In 1984 a young White House counsel, John Roberts, today President Bush's nomination to become the chief justice of the US, wrote a memo in response to a request from Jackson that President Reagan send a letter telling him how great he was.

"The office of presidential correspondence is not yet an adjunct of Michael Jackson's PR firm," reads the memo. "Frankly, I find the obsequious attitude of some members of the White House staff toward Mr Jackson's attendants, and the fawning posture they would have the president of the United States adopt, more than a little embarrassing." Ouch. The King of Pop's request was denied.

"That King of Pop shyt," says Jones, stirring sugar into his iced tea. "I named him. I named him the King of Pop, Rock and Soul. He changed it just to the King of Pop."

Jones's proximity to the King, as he refers to him with considerable irony, provides the book with its unique selling point. Jones is there next to Jackson as the singer lip-synchs his way through much of a world tour; he is there as Jackson uses his favourite word for poor black people - "splaboos"; he is there as Jackson fakes illnesses and injuries to avoid performing, either because it is too tiresome, he hasn't bothered to rehearse, or because he is zonked out on prescription drugs.

Stories from Neverland

King Karim

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
This question has been asked multiple times, I'm sure. I don't really know and I don't care. I know Michael was adamant on having kids. That's one of the reasons his marriage with Lisa Marie ended, because he wanted kids and she didn't. By the time she changed her mind and tried to repair the relationship, Michael was like, "I already have someone for that. :yeshrug:"

I will say this, Michael definitely dealt with many insecurities, but I never felt like he hated being black. He was very aware that he was a black man at many points in his life. He wasn't impressed by people like Elvis because white people hyped them up to be the best when they weren't. One of the reasons he wanted to become the biggest star in the world was to stick it to magazines who didn't want to put black people on their cover. He told Oprah that he would never want a white man to play him in a movie, because he was proud to be black and when he looked in the mirror, that's what he saw. He called Tommy Mottola a racist, and said that he wasn't expected as a black man to outthink the record labels. Despite the vitiligo and the attempts to even out his skin/plastic surgery, at no point did he ever refer to himself as a white man or show any hatred towards black people. He never lost sight of who he truly was. :ehh:
You say he didn't won't a white Man to play him in a MOVIE but yet he manufactured White kids who are now heirs to his Billion dollar estate.

Make it make sense Breh.