The irony is, is that a Jamaican was the one that brought vodun to Haiti and jumped started the revolution. More importantly he was a big vodun priest and the slaves looked up to him as one...
He killed MANY whites using vodun/poison.
Many vodoo priests were in the plantations before Boukman came. He was one of many. Yes he was the hougan in charge at the Bwa Kayiman ceremony. But many Benin, Nago, and Guinean descendants had passed on voodoo in Haiti for centuries before Boukman came. Thus why you always hear Haitians praising "nèg Nago"
And he started a rebellion in one plantation that eventually spread to other nearby plantations. But remember Haiti is huge unlike Jamaica. 3 times the size of Jamaica last I checked. It wouldn't have gotten far without Toussaint's trained soldiers who were already hardened warriors from defeating the British and Portuguese.
Toussaint in his memoirs revealed he had plans to start a rebellion of his own and take the whole island once he felt he had enough black soldiers. He and Dessalines had already discussed this in secret but they left Pétion out of it because him being mulatto they weren't sure if he'd side with the French or the rebels. But once Boukman's rebellion started he felt that it was now or never because those plantation slaves can kill off a few overseers but stood no chance against actual French troops and if he didn't join in then, the French would likely kill all the rebels to discourage other slaves in other plantations from joining.
Get the shyt right, breh.
Jamaicans are notorious for trying to take credit for everything