Get rid of the calender and start anew.
maybe we should switch to metric time
the important thing is that we have one method.
Get rid of the calender and start anew.
maybe we should switch to metric time
the important thing is that we have one method.
Dates in almost everywhere on the planet is BC/AD.
if that isn't historical enough for you, I don't know what is.
25th December sends the word into a frenzy...
New year sets time square and fire crackers buzzing!!!!
You want to talk historical figures?????????
The newness of Islam is what will do it in.
Channel 4 - Islam: The Untold Story (banned in the U.K.!) on Vimeo
I don't follow. what does the age of the religion, or if it should be taken seriously, have to do with whether or not the person in question was a historical figure?
Look around, the very existence of many things in the western world is based of Christian doctrine.
lol... ur dikk was hard writing this sh1t.
yet you criticize Afrocentric speakers?? Typical. smh
So making Jesus a European and combing his ideas with Saturnalia and CAC royalty oppression tactics.. is what makes you excited?
Most of what is attempting to "do Islam in", dates back to Europe trying to push back against africa and the East nations. Since 700's cacism has been on the rise and Christianity is the weapon of choice.. It's convenient to use because terms like manifest destiny make slaughtering and killing (by governments on a mass scale) justified. Anyway Islam is being pushed back by the same forces now.. the atheist community is at war with Christianity so it's really has no effect on Islam.
You would really have to read the Bible then read the Qur'an and about the life of some of the prophet and practices to fully understand why, but - Guinness Book of World Records has Islam as the fastest growing religion.
so what? I'm not denying Christianity exists
I didn't know Christianity was the marker for legitimate religions. There were religions 1000's of years before Christianity... why aren't those a maker.That's because they give birth like crazy. They can stay in their hell holes while we enjoy out life here.
Most of Islam recruits are born into it
Most sane people do not convert to that oppressive religion.
Most Islamic nations are hell on earth = FACT
Islam is too new for me to consider it seriously.
I supposed to believe a religion which surfaced hundreds of years after Christianity is legitimate
I really don't want to get into all that. my basis was comparing it to the prevalence of "Muhammad Myth Theories"
This is a stupid ass question really.... Plenty of things in culture, science, philosophy etc are terminologies adapted from religion and using them is just a matter of familiarity.
You didn't even read your own link. The "Jesus myth theories" are debating the fact that he was a deity. No one who studies history thinks Jesus the historical figure didn't exist.
wiki said:The Christ myth theory (also known as Jesus myth theory or Jesus mythicism) is a range of arguments that question the existence of Jesus of Nazareth or the entirety of his life story as described in the Christian gospels.
And you are wrong anyway. There are plenty of people who challenge the existance of Muhammad.
Islamic Theologian Says Prophet Muhammad Likely Never Existed -
drive-by planet: Did the Prophet Muhammad really exist?
Did the Prophet Muhammad Really Exist? This Is Robert Spencer’s Shocking Answer
I didn't know Christianity was the marker for legitimate religions. There were religions 1000's of years before Christianity... why aren't those a maker.
Why don't we make Buddism the marker since they influenced some of the ideas of the historical Jesus? As a matter of fact look at the text in Red in your Bible... who does he sound and talk like??
I was born into a mix of atheism and a few christian. I'm Muslim, plus in places like France, England, and the US Islamic conversions are growing every year.
And how can a Christian call Islam oppressive when Christianity has been used to oppressed more people and ideas? Either way, concepts don't oppress or kill people.. human motivations and greed are responsible for that.
this is why religion should be used in terms of discussing World Matters, race, wars etc...because whether you believe it or not the world is run by religion in some form.
So this entire 'debunking' of religion is stupid when you look at it in the grand scheme of things.