how is he a culture stealer when he grew up a part of the culture just like you and i did, if not more? maybe you're right, but how? elaborate bro.
if you grew up in the culture.
why should i have to explain why he is a culture stealer.
Any real bboy knows and it should not have to be explained, to another real bboy.
as a real bboy knows this culture's mores and historical norms.
plus its protection mechanisms and how and why they exist.
plus, historically what occurs when they are not upheld.
jay is not apart of this culture. he is a hustler, a culture thief.
who preyed upon an exact moment of time to gain revelence, erroneously culture-wise.
if you know this culture, know exactly why and when and every time he has violated.
just because you grow up akin to something doesN't mean it is fully your culture.
that is the problem with rap fans.
they think just because they listened for years.
they are apart of the culture when they are just a consumer.
if you have no semblence or skill, or care for the pillars' history or knowledge base.
you are not a part of the culture. you are a consumer of a product called rap.
just like if i like native american chant rituals.
i can partake in indulging in a ritual,....
i can listen to them via recording.
yet if i don't partake in the preservation, of the lineage, skill or culture behind it.
how am i apart of the native american culture.
my highschool mascot was an indian, that doesn't make me a native american.
i could have been the indian mascot dressee in a headgarb and wardrobe. it still doesn't make me an indian.
same thing with hiphop.
fans of rap music have taken advantage of the commerciAlizTion of rap and the culture.
all because my culture is forgiving like its impoverished black american roots are after slavery.
yet, does not mean rap fans are bboys or bgirls and a part of hiphop.
you have to take care of this culture and even its preservation of the future culturallly.
plus its businesses,..jay has not done either and violated every more and norm.
meant to protect this culture And the last viable economic business from its pillars.
all the way from the beginning of his career with jaz, on some biter freshprince bullshyt.
to his first released solo lp till now.
so i cram to understand how someone who is so affluent in this culture needs that explained.
art barr