the one drop use was MADE for whites to use as an advantage, it was never supposed to disadvantage them.
The point was that whites have used what you call the ODR Both ways depending on their best interest. In places like Australia whites procreated with the aborigines and accepted the mixed offspring into their communities which basically rendered the aborigines extinct. You can hardly find dark skinned aborigines in Australia. They've been white washed like the natives here in Amerikkka.
it's black folks who fall into the trap of believing they should procreate with whites to avoid the harshness of white surpemacy.
Straw man. This isn't about advocating IR. You use that as a deflection.
as for the privilege mixed folks have over dark skinned blacks, it already exist here, so what's your point?
It doesn't exist to the extent that it does in countries that separate mixed from black. In countries like Brazil and South Africa there is an entire mixed community that is privileged above those who are too dark to qualify. That's the road that you want AAs to go down here in Amerikkka.
it is different from black. sad how you cling so hard to white americans rules of classification.
You "cling" to it too you're just too stupid to realize. You only call yourself "black" because the white man told you that's what you are. The entire concept of race is the white man's rules of classification. Again, you're just too stupid to comprehend that.
give me any other scenario where this would make sense. go pour half a cup of orange juice, and half a cup of coffee; then tell me it's still coffee. go mix half a cup of chocolate milk, with half a cup of piss; and tell me it's still chocolate milk.
Race is a social construct that's not based on science or genetics. None of the races are "pure". Race is a general classification system mainly based on people's appearance.
Your arguments are embarrassingly stupid. These analogies don't even make sense. If you took a cup and filled it with 90% chocolate milk and 10% piss, it wouldn't be chocolate milk.
what's beneficial about the one drop rule? how do blacks win from it?
It can be beneficial if those classified as black aligned themselves with a black empowerment agenda while taking a stand against global white supremacy. That's how blacks can win from it. The problem is that we have c00ns like you on both sides of the spectrum who cause infighting which stifles black unity.
darker skinned blacks are doing worse in america as well, what's your point?
You can't follow along with simple shyt. The point was that the privilege that lighter skinned blacks have over darker skinned blacks is a lot more pronounced in countries like Brazil than here in Amerikkka. In places like Brazil, the separation of mixed people from the black race has created an entire sub-race of mixed blacks. The creation of this mixed race has only increased the oppression that darker skinned blacks face. All of the problems that you cry about regarding mixed people being recognized as black are even worse in places that make a distinction.
it's no coincidence that mixed breeds are more likely to be married, more likely to be hired, and less likely to receive longer prison sentences.
It will always be like that in places controlled by systematic white supremacy. Shunning "mixed breeds"(you're not pure sub Saharan African yourself, so you're a mixed breed too. I don't know why you're so delusional) isn't going to do anything to stop people with lighter skin from being privileged over those with darker skin. Get that thru your head.
you're in a IR marriage
The same way that you're in a gay marriage.
and yes, it has everything to do with the biracial offspring. how can you ostracize IR relationship but still allow society to boast their offspring as the best, brightest, and most attractive of your community.
This isn't about me "allowing" anything. I don't agree with white or light skinned supremacy. You're forced to set up these straw man ad hominem deflections because your position is nonsensical c00n shyt. Accepting the reality that mixed people are black doesn't mean that you agree with whites privileging them over darker skinned blacks. Like I've told your stupidass numerous times, people have no control over how they got here.
@Gravity, by your own made up definition of black--is he black?

is he discriminated against based on african features?

at this fakkit who's on a "mixed people ain't black" crusade accusing me of making up a definition of black. At least I can articulate a clear consistent definition of black. Your dumb ass can't even do that. You literally define being being black.
Do you not have eyes? Does the man in those pics look like he's visibly of African descent and discriminated against for being so?