You're right they wear capes instead!!!...
T.D. Jakes is not the authority or model of AUTHENTIC black Christianity.

Nice try

You're right they wear capes instead!!!...
You're right they wear capes instead!!!...
Those priests in that 'college of priests' and monks were dressed in...Are you sure about that. I mean the priest were initiated into a college of priest. And in occultism the various grades of the priesthood are associated with degrees.Y'all do realize that monks founded the colleges and started clerical-ism.
your posting some silly clip from martin Lawrence who happen to be a christian himself. fyi his church was at the hospital everyday praying for him when he was at death's doorI wonder the same...![]()
T.D. Jakes is not the authority or model of AUTHENTIC black Christianity.
Nice try![]()
“The marijuana users appear to have a blunted response to losing. They don’t figure out a strategy to avoid monetary losses and this is associated with a decreased functional brain response to the early, negative information that guides the other group to safer choices,” Wesley said. “The bottom line is that it looks like they don’t care as much if they lose.”
Decision-making Processes Blunted in Chronic Marijuana Smokers
Stayed high all through college and rolled out with a 3.5 GPA in the IT field.
And didnt pray once![]()
Been workin' in IT for the last 19 years...all the techs smoke weed...been drivin' high and goin to work high the last 9 years...they don't even drug test cause they know what it is...
The relationship between marijuana initiation and dropping out of high school. - PubMed - NCBIThe prevalence of marijuana use among young people has risen rapidly in recent years, causing concern over the potential impact on academic performance of such use. While recent studies have examined the effect of alcohol use on educational attainment, they have largely ignored the potential negative effects of other substances, such as marijuana. This paper examines whether the relationship between the initiation of marijuana use and the decision to drop out of high school varies with the age of dropout or with multiple substance use. Data are from a longitudinal survey of 1392 adolescents aged 16-18 years. The results suggest that marijuana initiation is positively related to dropping out of high school. Although the magnitude and significance of this relationship varies with age of dropout and with other substances used, it is concluded that the effect of marijuana initiation on the probability of subsequent high school dropout is relatively stable, with marijuana users' odds of dropping out being about 2.3 times that of non-users. Implications of these conclusions are considered for both policy makers and researchers.
We recorded clear and consistent associations and dose-response relations between the frequency of adolescent cannabis use and all adverse young adult outcomes. After covariate adjustment, compared with individuals who had never used cannabis, those who were daily users before age 17 years had clear reductions in the odds of high-school completion (adjusted odds ratio 0·37, 95% CI 0·20–0·66) and degree attainment (0·38, 0·22–0·66), and substantially increased odds of later cannabis dependence (17·95, 9·44–34·12), use of other illicit drugs (7·80, 4·46–13·63), and suicide attempt (6·83, 2·04–22·90).
Unadjusted odds ratios (log scale) between maximum frequency of cannabis use before age 17 years and young adult outcomes in combined data, compared with individuals who have never used cannabis
Adjusted odds ratios (log scale) between maximum frequency of cannabis use before age 17 years and young adult outcomes in combined data, compared with individuals who have never used cannabis
Data are n/N (%). ATP=Australian Temperament Project. CHDS=Christchurch Health and Development Study. VAHCS=Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study.
*p value of the association between adolescent cannabis use and each outcome in each study, and in combined data adjusted for study-specific effects.
†The ATP did not assess suicidal behaviour.
‡Assessed at age 28–30 years.
Cannabis use and later life outcomes. - PubMed - NCBIFINDINGS:
There were statistically significant bivariate associations between increasing levels of cannabis use at ages 14-21 and: lower levels of degree attainment by age 25 (P < 0.0001); lower income at age 25 (P < 0.01); higher levels of welfare dependence (P < 0.0001); higher unemployment (P < 0.0001); lower levels of relationship satisfaction (P < 0.001); and lower levels of life satisfaction (P < 0.0001). These associations were adjusted for a range of potentially confounding factors including: family socio-economic background; family functioning; exposure to child abuse; childhood and adolescent adjustment; early adolescent academic achievement; and comorbid mental disorders and substance use. After adjustment, the associations between increasing cannabis use and all outcome measures remained statistically significant (P < 0.05).
Marijuana is my religion![]()
Its probably cause theyre more likely to graduate than marijuana users
The relationship between marijuana initiation and dropping out of high school. - PubMed - NCBI
Cannabis use and later life outcomes. - PubMed - NCBI
Marijuana Vs. Religion -- Which is more detrimental to the black community? #DATA --POLL ADDED
dont try to troll the GOAT
Im in the red but got more Daps than you thoughTHAT REP THO!!!...
Can't troll a troll...can't antagonize the antagonizer...and I do it with FACTS!!!...![]()
Not all black pastors wear robes breh![]()
Im in the red but got more Daps than you though
You posted more messages than me but I got more daps![]()
So there's a difference between "white" and "black" "AUTHENTIC "christianity"???...
What is "white christianity"?...If there is "black" "christianity" surely there has to be "white" "christianity"...
So firstly...what is "white" "christianity?...
What is "black" "christianity"?...
Which came first???...white christianity or black christianity???...
What is the difference between "white chriatianity" and "black chriatianity"???...
What makes either AUTHENTIC???...
What makes Super T.D. Jakes inauthentic???...
@Lamar Givens
So Black pastors in Black Churches across America wear graduation robes because they are influenced by Europe and Rome and their version of "Christianity"???......
But what about the Black pastors in America today that wear graduation robes???...Are they influenced by Europe and Rome and their version of "Christianity" since wearing graduation robes started there???...I'm not asking if All Black pastors wear robes...what about the ones that do???![]()
Reps dont mean anything either if you're in the green...oooh...cringey reach...
Reps don't lie breh...your daps are in vain!!!...
Biblical Christianity is authentic historical Christianity. Christianity traced all the way to Jerusalem/Africa.
White Christianity is American Evangelical Christianity.
T.D. Jakes does not teach sound doctrine from the Scriptures.