Why do Jews Christians and Muslims call on the supreme Egyptian god "Amen" when ending prayers?


May 6, 2012
Ok stop wait no...do not in any way shape or form involve the Yin and Yang in your nonsense.

Yin and Yang have NOTHING to do with good and evil. Period. It is and has always been a concept of positive and negative.

Yin and Yang have ZERO. ZERO to do with good and evil. You are confusing this with Confucianism which is a philosophical/ethical system that has ZERO. ZERO to do with the Yin and Yang.


Never once did I say that the yin yang had anything to do with Good and evil....Not once.



Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY

Never once did I say that the yin yang had anything to do with Good and evil....

5 ) HeruKhuti: Divine Justice -

There is no polar opposite at this faculty because this is the medium between the physical world and the unseen, metaphysical. Most people associate this faculty with "Karma." Basically if your will strives upwards towards divinity you will attain divine help. But if your will allows teh faculties below it to rule then u will be subjected to the consequences of the Physical realm.

You posted this. YOU.

You just tried to tie in divinity, divine justice, Karma and the HerKhuti into the Yin and Yang.

They have NOTHING to do with each other. Period. Not even loosely. On ANY level. PERIOD.


May 6, 2012
You posted this. YOU.

You just tried to tie in divinity, divine justice, Karma and the HerKhuti into the Yin and Yang.

They have NOTHING to do with each other. Period. Not even loosely.


No...u are reading it wrong. Never said Herukhuti is the YinYang.....That makes absolutly no sense.

I said:

HeruKhuti: - The equilibrium between the physical world and the unseen world

I also said

HeruKhuti is the medium between the physical world and the unseen, metaphysical.

Heukhuti is the "S" line between the yin and the yang fool.....U said all of that for no reason.

now lets look at the definition of the Yin Yang according to Wiki:

In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (also, yin-yang or yin yang) describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.


Now try again!


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY

No...u are reading it wrong. I said that

HeruKhuti: - The equilibrium between the physical world and the unseen world

I also said

this is the medium between the physical world and the unseen, metaphysical.

now lets look at the definition of the Yin Yang according to Wiki:

In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (also, yin-yang or yin yang) describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.

Once again, you are trying to loosely connect two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CONCEPTS in order to try and make a point.

Yin = Cold, Dark, Low
Yang = Hot, Bright, High

It has nothing to do with divinity, Karma or anything else you're trying to connect it to.

Yin and Yang is best described as looking at a hill where the sun is shining on it. One part is warm and bright or sunny, the other end is dark and cool. Yet it's the same hill. Certain things grow well on one side (grass, plants trees), other things grow well on the other side (fungus, mushrooms, roots) despite it being the same hill. Yet one side could not exist without the other, otherwise the hill itself wouldn't be the hill.

It has ZERO. To do with divinity, metaphysicality, Karma or anything you're trying desperately to tie it into.

You're trying to use the terms physical and metaphsyical as opposites and tie in divinity in order to make a salient point and you're 10000% incorrect.

If you had used Confucianism to make your point, you'd still be wrong but you'd be able to convince less seasoned people that you had a valid point considering Confucianism deals more with what you're talking about or trying to get at.

And since you're slick, quoting wikis instead of picking up a book or going to a library and doing some ACTUAL research, why don't you quote the REST of that wikis paragraph??
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May 6, 2012
Once again, you are trying to loosely connect two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CONCEPTS in order to try and make a point.

Yin = Cold, Dark, Low
Yang = Hot, Bright, High

It has ZERO. To do with divinity, metaphysicality, Karma or anything you're trying desperately to tie it into.

You're trying to use the terms physical and metaphsyical as opposites and tie in divinity in order to make a salient point and you're 10000% incorrect.

But your definition doesnt apply to the actual definition...Again according to wiki The Yin Yang describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary.

Herukhuti is the medium between Yin and Yang.

So Herukhuti would be the medium between Hot and Cold as u say. The medium between Heaven and earth. The medium between Darkness and Light. Its the medium between contrary forces.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
But your definition doesnt apply to the actual definition...Again according to wiki The Yin Yang describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary.

Herukhuti is the medium between Yin and Yang.

So Herukhuti would be the medium between Hot and Cold as u say. The medium between Heaven and earth. The medium between Darkness and Light. Its the medium between contrary forces.
Once again, you're trying to use religious and pseudo-religious connotations to try and tie in the concept of Ying and Yang.

Yin and Yang have NOTHING to do with Heaven and Earth. Period. You're trying to wedge Heaven and Earth into being polar opposites, which in of itself is silly because the opposite of "Heaven" would be "Hell" with Earth in the MIDDLE as a medium between absolutes. And what's worse is that you're using OTHER cultures interpretations of how to make sense of the world in order to try and interpret things that are clearly outlined in another culture.

Again...pick up a book on Confuciansm my friend. Maybe you'll find the link you're trying to make there, but I doubt it.

Stop trying to loosely tie things together in order to try and make sense of desert religions and conquered empires.
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May 6, 2012
Once again, you're trying to use religious and pseudo-religious connotations to try and tie in the concept of Ying and Yang.

Yin and Yang have NOTHING to do with Heaven and Earth. Period. You're trying to wedge Heaven and Earth into polar opposites, which in of itself is silly because the opposite of "Heaven" would be Hell with Earth in the MIDDLE as a medium between absolutes.

Again...pick up a book on Confuciansm my friend. Maybe you'll find the link you're trying to make there, but I doubt it.

Stop trying to loosely tie things together in order to try and make sense of desert religions and conquered empires.

I think I see where your confusion is....I dont know if u been paying attention but when I made the original statement about the Tree OF Life I mixed Confusionism , Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam all into one. LOL @ you telling me not to do that...But I did. And the reason that I did that is because The Tree Of Life came before all of that. Yet here u are telling me that something that came afterwards(confusionism came 2500 years afterwards) is the origin. :mjlol:


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
I think I see where your confusion is....I dont know if u been paying attention but when I made the original statement about the Tree OF Life I mixed Confusionism , Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam all into one. LOL @ you telling me not to do that...But I did. And the reason that I did that is because The Tree Of Life came before all of that. Yet here u are telling me that something that came afterwards(confusionism came 2500 years afterwards) is the origin. :mjlol:
Fam I'm not telling you ANYTHING except that the loose ties you are trying to make between Ancient Egyptian religion and Daoism are laughable at best and that if you wanted to tie in some pseudo-religious jargon to try and make a point then maybe use Confucianism, which deals with your whole heaven, earth, divinity shyte and would be closer to what you're getting at, which would still be wrong because there is no peer reviewed, published works that point to the Ancient Egyptians believing that the gods were aspects of themselves and not beings that they worshipped.

Your are spreading hotep, street corner level information about ACTUAL Ancient history and cultures.

Whatever else you do with that information is your business.


May 6, 2012
there is no peer reviewed, published works that point to the Ancient Egyptians believing that the gods were aspects of themselves and not beings that they worshipped.

Actually there is.....But u just admitted you would only accept what is popular info and its already been proven that even the most popular info about Ancient Egypt refers to "Heru" as the Hellenized version called "Horus"(See wikipedia for further proof). Basically if the whiteman dont say it, it aint true according to you. I get it homie.
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Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Actually there is.....But u just admitted you would only accept what is popular info and its already been proven that even the most popular info about Ancient Egypt refers to "Heru" as the Hellenized version called "Horus"(See wikipedia for further proof). Basically if the whiteman dont say it, it aint true according to you. I get it homie.
And once again, by that logic:

A. I believe that an orange is actually an APPLE

B. Peers and others who observe my observation disagree and provide numerous examples as to why I'm incorrect.

C. I still believe that an orange is actually an apple and that popular belief does not mean I'm incorrect.

This is essentially what you're doing. And I'd stop using wikipedia as a source on things, not only because a lot of it is unsourced, but also considering Wikipedia itself would probably disprove 99% of what you're saying in this thread.


May 6, 2012
And once again, by that logic:

A. I believe that an orange is actually an APPLE

B. Peers and others who observe my observation disagree and provide numerous examples as to why I'm incorrect.

C. I still believe that an orange is actually an apple and that popular belief does not mean I'm incorrect.

This is essentially what you're doing. And I'd stop using wikipedia as a source on things, not only because a lot of it is unsourced, but also considering Wikipedia itself would probably disprove 99% of what you're saying in this thread.


And from your breakdown....

A. I believe....wait hold up....No...who said I believe?? ....I could have sworn from the jump everything I said was from "research." I remember stressing to look at what I wrote down as "theory" and me "sharing info"......... Has nothing to do with my beliefs.

B. Peers and others who observe my observation disagree...But wait....the biggest disagreement in this whole thread was that Amen did not exist before Hebrews. Yet archeologists say otherwise..Oh Wait...wouldnt archeologists be included as "Peer review" :leon: So let me get this straight. Archeologists have proven that Amen existed before Hebrews yet you didnt say anything to those who came in this thread and said otherwise. Sounds like u picking and chosing who u want to say is incorrect about their information. :jbhmm:

(This last line was just ignorant, stupid and all over the place and I'll explain why)

C. I still believe that an orange is actually an apple and that popular belief does not mean I'm incorrect. POPULAR BELIEF?? :ufdup: But Christianity is the most popular religion in the world and Christinity says Jesus was God in the flesh....But wait, Islam( The 2nd most popular religion in the world) says otherwise and Jesus was really just a prophet and not God in the flesh....But hold up...It doesnt stop there....the Jews dont even believe Jesus existed........But hold up...The Hindus believe in something similiar to Jesus called Vishnu even tho it is not Jesus........ But wait, it doesnt stop there because the athiests dont believe anything the Jews, Muslims or Christians or The Hindus believe..... :ohhh:

So by your logic..... the Christians believe that an apple is an apple but it is also an orange at the same time....The Muslims believe that an apple is an orange but it could never be an apple ...The Jews believe that an apple is an orange but an orange could never be an apple......The Hindus believe that a watermelon is an orange. And Athiests dont even believe in fruits at all.

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