Why do ducks and geese have no fear of humans?


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012

props for this


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
:snoop: we walkin through branch brook park like normal , there is one section that has a small pond area, whole goon squad of geese usally hang out there, probaly 40-50 yards from the side walk, but they shyt everywhere

this morning about 4 or 5 of them was chillin on the sidewalk, true story oneofem had a newport hangin out his mouth:picard:

me and my pit walk by politely and one of them makes a rude comment, a quack or watever noise they make :hhh:

pit turns around and growls at them :russ:

next thing i know one of them lets off a call like the raptors in Jurassic:ohhh: park do

i pay no mind keep walkin the dog, fuk me if gone in 60 seconds later i dont turn around and now there is 13 of them behind us lookin at me and the dog like :mjlit:

i already knew what time it was i wasnt gonna turn my back on them again, my dog was ready for some action, so i say fuk it unleash him and give him the gettum command :ehh:

:wow: these summa bytches really took off into the air and swan dove on my dog :francis:

i pick up a couple of big rock in each hand and start MLB;ing it, in the midst of all of this one of them flanked me bit the back of my neck:picard:

i go down half way but grab that bytch by his long neck and bowling ball his ass into two others who fly off with him

now its 10 vs 2 my dog finally catches one by the neck and starts ragging him while others are sceaming pecking at him :lolbron:

i run over grab one in each hand attempt to break they necks but they bite my hands and run off to the pond :hhh:

7 vs 2 now and i think its over cuz the last 7 start back stepping a bit :stopitslime:

i leash up my dog, ask for a truce and start to walk off but not even 10 ft away 5 of them come back snatch the leash out my hand and try dragging my dog to the pond :martin:

the other 2 come out my full force while am doin my best tyson bob n weeve , catch one with a beautiful left right combo and snap his mouth in half, his boy sees this shyt and is OUT :beli:

I run up on the 5 dragging the dumb ass dog, i now take his leash and collar off he takes 3 and i take 2 who i quickly dispose of with a rose bush branch i found on the ground, they fly off bloody as fuk

:whoo: i turn around my pit has TWO ofem in a death grip in his mouth :gladbron: he on his cujo shyt ragging them up

i put a sleeper hold on the last one just for good measure :unimpressed:

:manny: i grab my dog and get out of there before park services come

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Geese are dumb as fukk. They’ll be a gang of them eating grass or whatever then all of a sudden a couple of them will have a brief scuffle then they go back to being homies like nothing happened like you see with a pack of angry dogs.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
:snoop: we walkin through branch brook park like normal , there is one section that has a small pond area, whole goon squad of geese usally hang out there, probaly 40-50 yards from the side walk, but they shyt everywhere

this morning about 4 or 5 of them was chillin on the sidewalk, true story oneofem had a newport hangin out his mouth:picard:

me and my pit walk by politely and one of them makes a rude comment, a quack or watever noise they make :hhh:

pit turns around and growls at them :russ:

next thing i know one of them lets off a call like the raptors in Jurassic:ohhh: park do

i pay no mind keep walkin the dog, fuk me if gone in 60 seconds later i dont turn around and now there is 13 of them behind us lookin at me and the dog like :mjlit:

i already knew what time it was i wasnt gonna turn my back on them again, my dog was ready for some action, so i say fuk it unleash him and give him the gettum command :ehh:

:wow: these summa bytches really took off into the air and swan dove on my dog :francis:

i pick up a couple of big rock in each hand and start MLB;ing it, in the midst of all of this one of them flanked me bit the back of my neck:picard:

i go down half way but grab that bytch by his long neck and bowling ball his ass into two others who fly off with him

now its 10 vs 2 my dog finally catches one by the neck and starts ragging him while others are sceaming pecking at him :lolbron:

i run over grab one in each hand attempt to break they necks but they bite my hands and run off to the pond :hhh:

7 vs 2 now and i think its over cuz the last 7 start back stepping a bit :stopitslime:

i leash up my dog, ask for a truce and start to walk off but not even 10 ft away 5 of them come back snatch the leash out my hand and try dragging my dog to the pond :martin:

the other 2 come out my full force while am doin my best tyson bob n weeve , catch one with a beautiful left right combo and snap his mouth in half, his boy sees this shyt and is OUT :beli:

I run up on the 5 dragging the dumb ass dog, i now take his leash and collar off he takes 3 and i take 2 who i quickly dispose of with a rose bush branch i found on the ground, they fly off bloody as fuk

:whoo: i turn around my pit has TWO ofem in a death grip in his mouth :gladbron: he on his cujo shyt ragging them up

i put a sleeper hold on the last one just for good measure :unimpressed:

:manny: i grab my dog and get out of there before park services come

How many died?


All Star
Jan 24, 2016
Queens, NY
:snoop: we walkin through branch brook park like normal , there is one section that has a small pond area, whole goon squad of geese usally hang out there, probaly 40-50 yards from the side walk, but they shyt everywhere

this morning about 4 or 5 of them was chillin on the sidewalk, true story oneofem had a newport hangin out his mouth:picard:

me and my pit walk by politely and one of them makes a rude comment, a quack or watever noise they make :hhh:

pit turns around and growls at them :russ:

next thing i know one of them lets off a call like the raptors in Jurassic:ohhh: park do

i pay no mind keep walkin the dog, fuk me if gone in 60 seconds later i dont turn around and now there is 13 of them behind us lookin at me and the dog like :mjlit:

i already knew what time it was i wasnt gonna turn my back on them again, my dog was ready for some action, so i say fuk it unleash him and give him the gettum command :ehh:

:wow: these summa bytches really took off into the air and swan dove on my dog :francis:

i pick up a couple of big rock in each hand and start MLB;ing it, in the midst of all of this one of them flanked me bit the back of my neck:picard:

i go down half way but grab that bytch by his long neck and bowling ball his ass into two others who fly off with him

now its 10 vs 2 my dog finally catches one by the neck and starts ragging him while others are sceaming pecking at him :lolbron:

i run over grab one in each hand attempt to break they necks but they bite my hands and run off to the pond :hhh:

7 vs 2 now and i think its over cuz the last 7 start back stepping a bit :stopitslime:

i leash up my dog, ask for a truce and start to walk off but not even 10 ft away 5 of them come back snatch the leash out my hand and try dragging my dog to the pond :martin:

the other 2 come out my full force while am doin my best tyson bob n weeve , catch one with a beautiful left right combo and snap his mouth in half, his boy sees this shyt and is OUT :beli:

I run up on the 5 dragging the dumb ass dog, i now take his leash and collar off he takes 3 and i take 2 who i quickly dispose of with a rose bush branch i found on the ground, they fly off bloody as fuk

:whoo: i turn around my pit has TWO ofem in a death grip in his mouth :gladbron: he on his cujo shyt ragging them up

i put a sleeper hold on the last one just for good measure :unimpressed:

:manny: i grab my dog and get out of there before park services come
Imagine walkin by seein a nikka n a pit havin a death battle against a gaggle of geese :picard: :dahell: