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depending on where you live it takes hours to vote. it took an hour and a half of standing around to vote for Obama last time. honestly i'm gonna look into an absentee ballot that day cause i gotta work and if i can't and i get off work and there's a line i'm not gonna wait. i'd prefer to vote but its not worth waiting in a long line for.The local governments? Who in the local government? What about the opposition? The people that lost? Are they also in on it?
If niccas want to use that 20 minutes to smoke a blunt or listen to Chief Keef, just say so. It doesn't take some kind of grand conspiracy to stop niccas from voting.
I honestly feel dumber being involved in this conversation.
Who is to say that Will Smith isn't a government plant to keep taps on Hollywood execs? Who is to say that the slavery era never existed and was just a bunch of lies told in books to demoralize blacks. Who is to say that Hurricane Katrina was actually a Hurricane and not just a bomb set off in the ocean to cause crazy surges of water.
I ain't voting for shyt.
All of these puppets look like the same candidate to me.